
Her Majesty’s Spinner

Because roflcopter was rejected

Here’s hoping it does a good job.

Huh. Kinda interesting, but I admit I really only wanted to know when they were last updated and how big the changes are.

Your lack of Orlando disturbs me.

I am pretty sure based on the photo that we could get Miami, and Ft Lauderdale, and maybe even jacksonville all in there.

If we were really trying to get the moon to solve our problems.

I just skimmed this, but I’m intrigued by the idea of putting Philadelphia inside a hole on the moon.

Would be if it was a car of from a dealer. Since it’s not of a dealer but it is of a private owner, the lien means that the owner has an unpaid debt on it, and we do not know how much it is. Nor he cannot sell it as it is. Should you agree to buy it, the only way is for you to go to the bank together with the owner,

Zero cars have souls.


Fanboys wont see a problem with this, and will liken it to being sort of coming from a boutique automaker a la Aston or Mclaren. But I see through the bullshit and foresee quality problems and suspect panel fittings down the line.

So an entirely different picture lol... no wonder i couldn’t find it in the headline image

Don’t be an ass.

whoa, thats good albuquerque knowledge, td, thanks.

Here in Albuquerque, they would have tried to steal it, numerous times......

The mall pictured above looks like R0lling Acres Mall in Akron, Ohio, south of Randall Park Mall. Rolling Acres Mall is being torn down. When Randall Park Mall first opened, it was the largest mall in the country/world. But, the title was short lived.

Hey Amazon, if you want to to the same thing in the Pittsburgh area, please consider Century III Mall, shown here during it’s ‘busy’ time:

Bad infrastructure, power and AC are easier to be as a building is being built and a data center is really just a big hollow rectangle A mall is broken up into all those little pieces making it hard to really utilize Probably cheaper to level the mall first and then build a data center from scratch on the property