
The quake revealed a Hidden Temple? Was the Silver Monkey statue damaged during the quake?

Meanwhile, across the universe:

sending thoughts & prayers

Now that the remains have been found, the meteor’s family asks for you to respect their privacy during this very difficult time.


Will be helpful in checking Bitcoin balance after a hack.

Kilauea has produced at least 113.5 million cubic meters of lava, which is enough to fill 45,400 Olympic swimming pools or bury Manhattan nearly seven feet deep.

Sadly he died of AIDS moments after the incident.

On my way.

“ROLL TRUCK!!” - Elon Musk

Sure would be handy to have a tech on site for just this kind of troubleshoot...

Time to change jobs if they aren’t increasing your yearly wage to at least match inflation.

I think most of us are still making a similar wage to what we were in 2003

“Scalpers? You mean, apart from Ticketmaster and their “service” charges?

Probably some combination of fuel and oxygen along with a ready heat source.

I was under the impression that periodic flooding was a feature designed to flush the urine and dead rats out of the system.

Jupiter’s climate is changing?

Probably caused by humans using fossil fuels and cutting down trees.

For me, in LA, it’s “how young is this a-hole in the Lambo next to me,” or, “I can tell by your Prius/other lame ass car that you’re a terrible driver what do you look like.”

450 for an emulator? Even with inflation the actual NES was cheaper in 1985 when it was released in the US.

Space is hard.