
Also, he changed all the guns to walkie-talkies.

The windshield shot first!

Can I just point out that none of the states closest to North Korea (except Alaska, but nobody’s going to bomb Alaska) voted for Trump? Why can’t he pick a fight with an enemy off the Eastern seaboard so that at least he’s in the kill zone

Equality means the short guy gets the same chance as anyone else to buy a second box. Socialism and Communism mean we all give up our freedoms to give the short guy a second box because for whatever reason, he couldn’t get one for himself, even though lots of other short guys had no problem getting one on their own.

Typical dishonest journalism.

Why do you keep mentioning billionaires when the tax is on people earning 500K or more?

Except for all the novels I’ve read and still loved this one.

He is from Florida, the land of the the crazy people. But besides that, I think federal jail is where he should stay. He tried to do a dangerous act onboard with 210 people....either he is really insane or evil or both.

*puts Computer Science Major hat on, takes off race car hat*

There is a HUGE DIFFERENCE between “cyberattack” and “we didn’t expect the interest and demand from the world of motorsport enthusiasts, and our service did not have the proper infrastructure in place to support all these requests to view it.”

This is why

Been done before ... a long time ago.

Actors who already have Star Wars names:

Kit Fisto got robbed!!

It’s not even that big of a deal, something like 8 percent of kids do it.

What really sucks is the fact that they’re only going to give you $38 for it if you sell it back at the end of the semester.

Fun fact: I was there for the very first ride when it opened to the public. The sound didn’t work for the whole ride and when it was over and the hostess asked us all to exit, I, at the tender age of 13, stood up and said I’m not leaving until they run it again with the sound. Everyone else except one little old lady

Now playing

Here’s the actual ride if you want to see it:

OMG, the one with Io creating a shadow on the red spot can’t be real?

“Since license plates are the property of the Crown, there is no appeal process.”

This article just proves the problem with society. You write the half truth and uneducated people take it as the full truth. I paid capital gains tax on my investments so that must mean that I am paying a“ lower rate on that than you are, even though you fucking work for your money.” The problem with this is that I