
And I’m all in favor of it.

Not the whole purpose. It’s still harder to take your laptop around than a phone and a controller.

Zero, you would be charged with assault if they decided to charge you.

And microwaves! Have you seen how many of them have a microwave? My parents didn’t have one when they were growing up. Why should all these uppity poors have one now? The nerve of some people!

Can we all applaud and celebrate that he used landscape mode?

Now playing

That was okay. The voice over was kind of...meh.

Take the philosophy crap out and I would love to show this to my middle school science students.... “saints and sinners” why throw lines like that in there?

That flea is hideous!

You came in that thing? You’re braver than I thought.

Yeah, but you really have to avoid those AT-STD’s.

I’m pretty sure that it’s in the basement of one of the cameramen. They were going to throw it out after the shoot but he managed to pull some strings.

It’s only still there because of its near polar orbit around the Moon. Had Chandrayaan been in a lower inclination orbit, the Moon would have killed it by now.

Cool. Now let’s find the Apollo 10 lunar module ascent stage, named “Snoopy”. It was jettisoned, its engine fired to fuel depletion, and is now in orbit around the sun. It’s position in space is unknown, but researchers in the UK are looking for it. It is the only remaining flown LEM ascent stage.

Well, that’s one way to get rid of some dead pixels.

“... hit a set of spike strips going 115 MPH, subsequently barreled off of the road and into a drainage ditch, launched the truck into the air and landed on a car parked at a restaurant” 

The 14 stunned birds were later quoted as saying “They were so good at the beginning of the season, what the fuck happened?!”

I use the hell out of the shopping list - it’s so very handy to be in the kitchen, notice something is running low and really quickly add it to the shopping list. The thing that really pisses me off it sometimes I might forget I’ve added something, add it again and then I’m in the store later with Milk on my 4 times

My main uses of the Echo: