
Legalize it - then this problem wouldn’t exist.

Probably because they have a monopoly on the infrastructure in your city.

I hate Comcast, but they have reliably been the fastest and best value internet service provider by far. I’ve tried others, and tried to try even more, and frankly Comcast has been a shining fucking star.

I must say, this was some of the best art I’ve ever gotten for an article. Really helpful and actually beautiful! Thanks so much for reading

It’s not a war. It’s working with people we sometimes disagree with to accomplish common goals for the benefit of society. If politicians could learn to do that, the country would be much better off.

Yeah, how dare he try to make a difference instead of whining and crying with the snowflakes?

Noooo, no worries! I appreciate you looking out!

Sorry, I read that like 5 times trying to make sense of it and just had to say something.

blah, typo. fixed it!

The data behind the new catalog was collected over two decades—from 1994 to 2008

Came here for instruction from the monoliths. Left satisfied.

D: try to eat it with butter.

So, when we encounter this thing on Europa coming up at us from the bottom of our spacecraft, will the crew A) Celebrate the fact that we aren’t alone in the universe B) collectively shit their pants and panic or C) Both A and B.

Once a day, bro.

And your Fire TV is sending data to Amazon. Do you use services on it beyond Amazon? Are you sure it’s not sending usage data from the other services to Amazon?

I wonder how much of a market there might be for a router with phone-home-blocking firewall settings built-in and regularly updated.

People who either decide they don’t have enough money, or those who over extended themselves trying to keep up with the Jones’.

They were renting it for $350 a day (for 100 miles) or $2327.50 a week for 750 miles. If you are using the car as an investment, (and didn’t realize the insurance would eff you) this could be a great investment.

An $80,000 loan, 5 years at 3% is $1437 a month. You only have to rent it out a few days a month to have

Maryland drivers are the worst.


I know i hate when I try to delete and app and its like SHARE?