
I’m with you. I actually think they’re cool as hell. Better than some big, dirty, fucked-up factory.

Everyone always complains how ugly these things are; am I the only person who thinks they are kind of cool-looking? There are some not far from my house, and I think they are awesome. (then again, my dad used to work on dams, so maybe I just have an odd affection for the aesthetics of alternative power?)

Did you read the article?

The heartwarming Hobbit trilogy reunion:

Margarine is bullshit.

“Can you remember how many people you’ve given your wi-fi password out to?”

Start your web browser, go into the settings menu, and find the option to ‘clear cookies’.

Fat Riker I can handle.

Simpsons did it.

OK, here’s the thing...

The observatory should be built, but it should be built by following all the relevant laws and being as respectful as possible to the beliefs of the people who live in the area. At the very least, the people who live in the area need to feel that they have a voice in the process, otherwise they will grow even more

Stop looking for international videos on a website that is US-based, written by US-authors, and caters to a largely US-based audience!

East Hyrule or West Hyrule? ;)

Could you go ahead and bulletpoint that for me, please?

“ignoring terrorism makes it go away”

Yes, good luck with that.

Chardee MacDennis isn’t top 5?!

Just use Google photos...

I’m so tired of the:

I’m just glad you found a way to bring it all back to Space Jam

Get the fuck out. He was great as Fisk.