
I would love to watch you do this only to see some everyday North Carolinian park his truck and yell “Shutup, you idiot! It’s the first total solar eclipse seen exclusively in the United States since the American Revolution. Now if you will kindly shut yer’ trap, me and the Raleigh Astronomy Meetup Group have some

You are in far, far, FAR more danger from the other idiots on the road than some hacker. Some places like Florida, you pray before driving anywhere that you will make it there alive.

Disclaimer, I live in florida... Between the Bruh trucks with guys that can barely drive, and everyone rolling on bald tires and not

V’Ger signals the creator!

OK.. this is NOT Comcast.. it’s a subcontractor with the comcast logo on the side - jeez.

I hate this video, but they’re not breaking the law. What they’re guilty of, is not going above and beyond what a normal and logical human would do. These guys are not different than any guys that do any telephone pole work I’m sure. They know Comcast/the Towns Policy, and they’re following it.

I’m a C-130 pilot but never got to unleash the Taliban Tornado.

The whole point of the Death Star was to be flashy and overpowered.

Let’s be blunt: The Imperial Starfleet already has the power to destroy the entire biosphere of a planet; In fact, even one Star Destroyer could methodically render a world uninhabitable given enough time. Or why not just drop a really big rock on the

You believe Facebook caused Trump winning and/or Hillary losing?

For eight year old CaptainButters this was my Waterloo. Never passed it. Thanks for the great memories.

Oh, please. Everyone knows that is horseshit.

That log had a baby....

I need a Defiant one in my life.

It’s a very vain ship. It could be seen in public with cosmetic issues.

Aren’t we cheerful? The people who are thoughtful tend to be the people who donate their time/money to those in need. His comment is doing way more good than yours.

Reportedly, Rick is so small, that it has been hard on the space microscope crew to find him.

Anyone bother to follow up with Rick Small about this? Seems like a solid starting point.

No one’s coercing people to visit the sites.

She was probably just trying to make TE.