
What politics? This is a talented voice actor reciting dumb celebrity quotes, not politics :p

I admit this is a trite and expected response, but still:

So few people agree with me on this point, but you’re absolutely right. The people voted him into the nomination. The democratic process actually worked, and it showed us how rotten we really are.

That young man fills me with hope. Plus some other emotions which are weird and deeply confusing.

As a country, we deserve Trump and that’s the sad truth :(

You know no one is forcing you to read it, right? Unless someone IS forcing you to read it. In which case, blink twice.

To this day I still wonder how different the world would be if Phil Hartman’s scumbag wife hadn’t killed him and he would have starred as Zap Brannigan as originally intended.

Billy really is doing God’s work. #MakeAmericaBrannigan

I’m confused about what part of the sentences earned the “(I think)“ qualifier. Which part are you unsure of:

I tell people, if you want to “collect” something that will be very valuable in the future then collect dollar bills! Put some of them into a medium risk investment and in 20-30 years they will be worth a lot more.

Or as like, a grift.

I have no idea who she is, but I would be very entertained if it was an extended con to get her followers freaking out. She's already gotten an article out of it, so couldn't hurt.

True, it did look like it was made out of plastic.

I think it would melt if she tried that.

They look so flammable. And itchy.


I would feel bad if something bad was going on with this girl but like, I am so so wary of viral stuff like this as just a marketing ploy

At least steam the dress before you try to sell it. Jesus.