
No kidding. It’s difficult to empathize with him after that dick move. His wife and kids watching the Olympics...

Oh I so would. Over any of the Olympians, that’s for sure. Nick is the hotness.

Sometimes people “buy” them with no intention of paying also... so I wouldn’t consider even that optic a sign that items are selling at that price.

Pence + Trump = Pump? (just throwing out other possible couple names).

“and who doesn’t have the butter-soft bones and muscles of an inbred royal...”

He looks so much more like a Nuck, than a Nick. Nice call.

Tattooing is a huge subculture in Japan, and incredibly popular among groups of young people, particularly. This article, honestly, seems to be addressing the mentalities of much older people. You see young people walking around with tattoos, and just like in other countries... goofy tattoos are goofy tattoos, but

“I don’t know if I would turn down a tattooed woman entirely, but it’s certainly not something that’s in her favor”...

I’m not gonna lie... I not only support Bernie, but I seriously have a crush on him too. He’s kind of a hottie.

I never understand why he gets such a bad rap for the prequels. I mean, he wasn’t GOOD, but he looked like Daniel Day-Lewis compared to Natalie Portman.

I despise them also, but this is hilarious to me. The first use of one of those stupid things I can get behind. Mainly because he looks like such an idiot that it finally makes a church service entertaining in some way. The cape, the microphone, and the hoverboard... comedy gold.

Hilarious, true. And Hale Goetz is all-around the epitome of class in how she’s dealt with this. I can’t imagine the type of person who inflicts this type of attempted humiliation on someone else, but Hale is a class act.

I hate the kid and the parents the most in this story. He’s 9 years old and he had to be left alone in the other room to cry? And his whole Christmas was ruined. Really. How dramatic.

And his mom’s basement.

- moderately attractive: not even close

I think you win a prize for being the 100th!

It felt so much like the original trilogy. That the characters could be wise-asses, and sass to one another, and bicker a bit, all while you get the sense how close they are.

So did I! But I’m not 7 years old, so probably less adorable. Especially when I kept asking my boyfriend... “Where’s BB-8? They didn’t leave BB-8, did they??”

She takes no shit, and she has ZERO patience for guests, especially politicians, who try to dance around answering questions and try to do the vague politi-speak. She’s one of the only interviewers today who calls people out on stuff like that. She’s going to be sorely missed and a huge loss to the industry.

I agree with you, and this whole article, so much. I’ve always hated Elmo, and shouldn’t feel so passionately about this subject since I’m an adult and have no children. But goddammit I love Grover, and always have, and hated that he got pushed out of the show for Elmo. Grover was complex, and geeky, and a little