
I'm sure to many you have in the past. There are definitely people more equipped than I to provide you with examples though. Many definitely do feel Kotaku represents an agenda or particular perspective though, a perspective that people all over seem to think is immune to criticism.

This whole controversy is bullshit

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I had a feeling Spider-man had been in a similar pose:

the people complaining have already been proven wrong about the anatomy.

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I think Maddox covered this one pretty well.

This false equivalency stuff is getting out of hand. A woman's butt or breasts being prominently shown is NOT the equivalent of a man's penis being shown. NOT even close. Do we have clitoral outlines in comics? The equivalent body part for men is big breasts they do not have an inherent sexual

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you guys like stuff from reddit. maybe you should watch this first before going on about this spider woman crap.

I find it interesting how many articles on gawker have prominently displayed or linked back to this 'horribly sexualized' spiderwoman pose. There comes a point where possibly valid social critique becomes just another pandering click bait opportunity. In essence, gawker's endless trotting out of the prone red butt is

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But Spider-Man has been drawn like Spider-Woman:

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While I do enjoy me a good Oatmeal strip, I prefer Maddox's take on the subject: