
I'm sure to many you have in the past. There are definitely people more equipped than I to provide you with examples though. Many definitely do feel Kotaku represents an agenda or particular perspective though, a perspective that people all over seem to think is immune to criticism.

If you don't understand that EVERYTHING can be a joking matter then, and I mean this as politely as possible, you need to expand your mind and views. I always love when closed minded people act as if they are the enlightened ones, and people with an expanded worldview are somehow the problem. Rape isn't funny. That

Or paying 10,000 for untouched Lena Dunham pics from her Vogue shoot, against her consent.

I can't believe this cycle of religious brainwashing is still going on today. Thousands of years now. Even with all the science facts, suffering and death. They still choose to ignore it. It makes me sad how easily these humans are fooled and how they go their whole lives being ignorant.

Not Mayonnaise. Mayonnaise is oil, eggs and vinegar. Ranch dressing is Buttermilk plus herbs, spices and goblin cum.

"Hey guys, Howard here again. I just wanted to point out that I KNOW what Carl Sagan would have thought about had he not made his own adult decision to responsibly partake in cannabis, and it's just as good. Are you hearing me, guys? I'm totally not pulling this out of my ASSHOLE or anything. I'm just saying I KNOW

I dispute the claim that this is a funny video.

You realize that there's a difference between a retail game and a tech demo, yeah? And you are allowed to have both? Crazy, but true.

But that's precisely it. That's the hook.

Bone Machine is god-tier Waits. "Black Wings" is one of the greatest tunes ever.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who despises that word.

Take this to heart everyone.

I summoned beasts of the earth, and long dead things with tentacles and blades. I wore them for skin and possessed their minds and flung them at this man.

Such a bummer when people don't like things that are obviously RAD AS SHIT.

Holy shit, this looks amazing.

To all the people who hate this graphical style. Who cares. People that grew up playing games like Prince of Persia or the original Gauntlet get a nice feeling of nostalgia when we see it. There are plenty of 60 dollar games with multi million dollar budgets you can go out and play. It doesn't hurt to have such a

Making people feel guilty for things beyond their control (such as having breasts or genitals) is a good way to make them more pliable. The more guilt someone feels for things they can't change, the less likely they are to stack additional guilt on top of it, say, from refusing to do something you frame as perfectly

Someone explain body (not sex) censorship to me in a way that keeps the explainer sounding sane to me please.

Holly Shit, West Virginia really is 20 years behind everyone else