
Norway is absolutely, 100% dedicated to the notion of prisoner rehabilitation—-their view of crime and punishment is almost the precise polar opposite of, say, Corrections Corporation of America (don't google it if you still believe the US is a free, First World country.)

Now playing

Unfortunately, I only recognize it from this video

But phones already have an audience, they are out there. The Wiiu has sold how many units? This game would appeal to how many of those owners? The numbers don't lie and there is a reason people don't want to work with the Wiiu, especially indies who are looking to hit the biggest audience they can.(though some don't

It's a freaking pipe that doesn't even have similar highlighting nor colors. Sure the shape is similar but it definitely isn't the "same pipe".

it's kind of a shame that we get potentially cool stuff like motion control, 3d, VR, whatever, and since they don't just become overnight successes, support for them gets dropped (or severely downplayed in the case of the Kinect). But such is the nature of business I s'pose

These people aren't paying money. They are donating money for a project. You do not get any refunds. You are giving away money and if the project goes kaputt, you are shit out of luck. Is it alright for people to scam money out of people like that? Of course not. But if they happen to have to shutdown the project, the

As most lawyers will point out once the Big Court Kickstarter Case happens, the word here is "backed".
It's a form of investment, you give them money in hopes they will deliver you a product someday. There is no signed contract, just a promise.
That's it, no dramas, arguments. That's the pure condensed truth. If you

As a personal friend of Justin's and his former manager at Channel Awesome, it turns my stomach to have people assigning him mental disorders after the fact. The truth this we don't have all the facts and we probably never will. No matter what led up that moment what remains is we've still lost a great man.

This is getting crazier and crazier. It's like King just up and said "Hey, this insane amount of success is great and all, but have we considered making a laughingstock of ourselves instead? Derision is a form of currency too, isn't it?"

Your metaphor is broken. Do people pay you to access your building? That's their monthly subscription fee. It grants them 24/7 access. Including upkeep, the costs almost become static. Granted, if you have a spike in subscribers, you have to use part of your income to expand the branch or face complaints.

If you want to do something about this, and actually let yourself be heard then sign the petition! Already at 37k signatures.

Why do I feel like we just fell behind in innovative technology by several decades?

...Isn't corporate greed wonderful?

They aren't racist! They don't even see color, man. It's all the people who called them racists who are thinking so much about race, because thinking about race makes you a racist!

I think people need to know that the Glyph is not a oculus rift competitor. If anything it's eating away the market from Sony's HMZ series, which is currently overpriced.

"I'm really not sure why the Internet is blowing up right now over this,"

What's most interesting about this to me is how peoples' movements sort of automatically synchronize when they're paired up like this. Regardless of gender (though that's an interesting concept in itself), when you see 'yourself' move in a certain manner then you're compelled to perform that motion to keep your

Jezebel has gotten mean and petty lately, and so have a lot of Jezebel commenters who fancy themselves above the the fray. The thread on how much better some commenters' writing is than the writer's of Jez, was just so...misguided and petty.

Pretty much all of your heavily contributing, years old veteran commenters pretty much agree: this was a bad idea.

Wow. This is the ultimate in concern trolling.

You seriously didn't need to put "Best" in the title.