
I could not possibly be more excited for this technology - it's a step towards the inevitable future, the next clear step for game world immersion, the natural home of 3D content. It's early days yet, but in 10 years we'll be looking at this like we look back at the Atari - it brought amazing, innovative,

They already have a bunch of using-your-real-hands stuff working in combination with this. The hype for this is that it's a full-field-of-vision 3D screen and a super-low-latency gyro sensor attached to the in-game camera. Because that is amazing.

I would love to spend more time in multiplayer games if either they were more restrictive about letting in reported griefers, glitchers and abusive people or I magically had a large community of good people to play with, but if you're a fairly casual average-skilled player you never get access to guilds and clans. I'd

I simply cannot imagine ever having enough money to care about an old game that much, not matter how rare it might be.

Ravenmark is an exceptional turn-based strategy fantasy game, in the vein of Final Fantasy Tactics and Advance Wars, but this deep levels of coordinating the movements of units of individual soldiers. It is a fascinating study in military movements - flanking, routing, charging. Anybody remotely interested in that

He puts more thought and research into what he reports than just about anyone on broadcast news. For-profit, ad-supported shows masquerading entertainment as news have murdered the 4th estate. Stewart reverses that artifice, allowing him to express far greater insight on the subjects he covers.

Games: entertainment not designed to kill people. Guns: a tool designed to kill people.


Thanks, I will!

More than FPS game-y stuff, I'm a lot more interested in seeing multiple angles of normal human interaction - utterly banal, unplanned interaction between multiple Glass-wearers. I want to see real people doing normal stuff, whole days in microcosm, genuine moments.

Oh, I was just flipping through your previous posts, and read your just-before-this-discussion argument that "The point is that one does not need to be able to do something well themselves in order to judge somebody else's performance in doing that thing" And, yet, your argument here has devolved into 'you must be in

I suppose you're entitled to one moment of pleasure in what appears to be a life constrained by the narrowest definition of corporate protocol - I'm glad I could help!

It doesn't prove anything - that would be fallacious, true - it does nothing to instill confidence that it's not built on another set of assumptions that I just don't know to be false. All I'm saying is, you're not doing yourself any favors.

My grade? Didn't you already make that exact same toothless joke three times

Of course it hurts the premise - if you're happy to continue reiterating things that are false, it calls into question all your other assumptions as well. I've spent plenty of time in the business world - perhaps you've only experienced the worst of it?

You realize that perpetuating some construct I objectively know is false - an inexperienced highschooler? - just undermines your premise further. I've been in the workforce in a wide variety of capacities and environments for decades.

Another clever retort!

It's a franchise that has had many connected videogames (a MMO in the works, the Facebook game, the strategy game, and the action RPG) and it was the basis of the PC mod Kotaku editors praised highly for much of last year.

He stepped down because of the ridiculous uproar caused by the mob on the internet had become a PR problem. This problem is directly the result of the mob, and not the result of the tweets.

The Rift isn't supposed to be used with anything not locked at 60fps, according to them.