
We'll see what the Wii U's future is going to look like at E3 - if there's nobody backing it besides Ubisoft, that doesn't bode well for it's future outside of the Nintendo fanbase.

No 'Sponsored Link' tag?

I totally was bugged by that, too!

There's no way that the Stark beer isn't going to be a winter stout.

Pretty-major AAA crossplatform Borderlands 2 uses PhysX, but only on the PC version.

Not when the neXtBox is running something Windows 8-ish they won't - the last gen of AAA PC title were often straight console ports.

It's, essentially, a city-building MMO - those same people who can't play WoW, or whatever, can't play this either.

I love the idea of Steambox, but I'm not buying a 'console' only to have to also buy another copy of Windows to run anything on it. Maybe in 5 years we'll be seeing a lot more Linux support for AAA games? Also, it's awfully convenient that Gabe Newell was ranting about Windows 8 being bad for game devs right when he's

AFfC is really underrated, I think - it's a bit of an intermission to take in the ravages of war on the commoners and show the other side of the 'Game of Thrones' going on among the powerful. It might not be as filled with epic plot points like ASoS, but it's a great book that I imagine will ultimately be viewed as a

Is that not the definition of a puzzle? You're the one complaining about hand-holding in games - isn't an obvious puzzle sequence already funneling your actions? Getting back to the crow's nest, much less back to the opening prison, is as much a puzzle as lighting torches to open a 'hidden door,' it's just less

Sure it does. They might not be block-pushing or torch-lighting puzzles, but there's plenty of things to figure out.

Dark Souls.

If you put a gun to my head and demanded to know if Major League Baseball still existed as a sport, much less a video game, I wouldn't know for certain what the answer to that was. I assume the World Series still happens, and therefore that those teams must also exist, but I haven't known who was involved in that for

Asymmetrical Horde-style L4D-ish multiplayer looks pretty fun though, especially with a touch of Uncharted's climbing verticality thrown in.

Is that actually low? We were all there for the PS3's mega-price-tag launch and the 360's RROD. I'll pick one of the next-gen consoles when there's a couple of games I want to play on it - we haven't even seen launch line-ups! If anything, we should be encouraged that only 1/3 of 'core' gamers is fanboyish enough to

There's a point where calling something 'gaming' is a lot like calling someone on an exercise bike a cyclist, though.

If you play Candy Crush Saga you just don't like gaming, at least.

I love that at some point many NPCs in Borderlands 2 mention in passing that they've had a same-sex partner and it's never a big deal at all.

Why is it so impossible to get these old, clueless, corporate shills out of office? You guys have GOT to get out and vote in 2014 just like it was a Presidential election.

Have you read Forming? It's got an awesome New Gods-meets-Adventure Time thing that I love: