If it's launching as a Linux box, though, it's not going to have much in the way of gaming for, even optimistically, a while. A console that requires a current Windows installation is a pretty dicey prospect.
If it's launching as a Linux box, though, it's not going to have much in the way of gaming for, even optimistically, a while. A console that requires a current Windows installation is a pretty dicey prospect.
While it seems likely it will be a multiplayer FPS, I bet they are aware that they need to bring something novel to the format to successfully launch a new IP - if it's the same-old-CoD sorta thing they'll be forgotten, but I think it's safe to assume they are shooting for a launch-defining next-gen FPS franchise.
I'm pretty sure IGN.com can still talk down to you, if that's what you're looking for in a review.
Except this is primarily a hybrid 3rd-person action /puzzle-platforming game, just like all previous incarnations of Tomb Raider. The tone and mechanics might differ to an extent, but the same could be said of Super Mario Galaxy or Wind Walker.
The comic book parallel is certainly the closest in nature to what we're seeing with videogames, the early Rock n Roll uproar had a distinctly racial-panic undertone.
It's a good way of showcasing the desperate and brutal tone of the game.
I'm sure this appeals to some, but I would never, ever even consider to use this feature. Why would you want to see me play a game? Why would I want to see you?
No company caters to outlier customers - the audience for the PS4 was largely not buying console games in 1995, didn't keep their games from 1999, and don't want to play games from 2002. The ones that might will largely be happy to play them streaming from the cloud. Sony surely has extremely accurate numbers on the…
Don't worry - the number of people who would actually boycott a new console because it lacked backwards-compatibility is microscopic.
If that's a problem for you, you should read the service agreement - nobody ever said your digital content would carry over.
Perhaps, but your experience is not the universal experience.
So Microsoft's response is going to be a massive, overwhelming response, utilizing the most powerful tools known to man? Maybe you want to rethink that metaphor.
I'm pretty sure everyone's going to remember that Watch Dogs was a cool-looking multi-plat game that got all the top honors at E3 2012.
The presumably in-game stuff looked spectacular - can't wait for the next gen! Though I'm certainly curious to see how Microsoft counters with their platform, I was impressed overall.
? Anybody following this knew it has been announced for both platforms for weeks.
We've seen that 'anti-consumer' language tossed around pretty liberally here, but there's tons of potential benefits to the consumers that could come from bypassing the second-hand market. It promotes diversity and longevity in games from publishers, gives more leeway for sale prices, skirts past the most obnoxious…
Speaking for myself, despite the loss in accuracy, the minute I got my hands on two analog thumbsticks I stopped playing shooters with a keyboard forever.
Yeah, but the ISP's depend on the content creators who make the most demand for internet access in the first place, and that content is increasingly pushing for higher bandwidth. A big reason we all pay for broadband is to stream movies and play games, right? The ISP's are not going to grow their businesses by…
I don't think I'm right, I just think I might be able to steer to conversation productively. I think we agree on quite a bit, overall! I'm not discounting the potential for something really malicious to abuse this kind of technology, but only saying that we shouldn't dread it without evidence of that abuse - and if we…
The issue isn't with videogames, it's about humanity's history of mythologies - female protagonists have been rare in our stories throughout time.