What a well thought through opinion.
What a well thought through opinion.
People don’t own words, that’s just not how it works.
TheRoot gins up racial divisiveness better than any Russian Facebook troll could ever hope to accomplish. Well done.
...How? She’s basically invisible until she’s within 20ft of a car on a 45MPH road. There’s no way in hell it’s stopping in time, and I’m not sure if it’s able to “panic swerve” around her in time.
Because when you ask for a pay increase, you ask your employer, not your co-worker.
Looooool. Well, it’s an inspired PR move, anyway.
Top 14 cars that actually work for 15 years ... and a Golf.
Top 15 cars who never gave their owners reason to trade them in.
Ugh. I can tell you from experience, this crowd is a dreary bunch and hardly worth trolling. We have extensive files on r/neoliberal’s membership and it is by far the most heavily infested segment of Reddit with paid commentators. We know there is a cabal of deep-pocketed Clintonite dullards who are dead set on…
If anyone of you Reddit assholes are reading this: You’re never going to strike it big. Ever.
Step 1. Loosen adhesive by sticking it in boiling water.
Actually Bitcoin is 100% secure if its stored correctly. My Bitcoin is stored offline meaning no hacker could ever get to it. Its called “cold storage”. If you don’t store your Bitcoin properly its your fault if you lose it. Its the first thing everyone should learn before buying Cryptocurrency.
You’re reporting on something that is totally unsubstantiated in any way.
“Eating Papa John’s is racist.”
I hate Trump as much as the next person but this is petty.
Katie, if someone had written this about the Obama daughter’s teenage years, what would you have thought?
“shut the fuck up and open their ears”
I heartily encourage all white liberals and “progressives” to promptly move to the blackest parts of their cities or countries!
I hate all the trumps with the burning fire of a thousand suns, and wish them nothing but unscratchable genital itching, but he’s not wrong.