
Ah the bugman speaks. Rumsfeld knew modernization was required but it was the people you voted for who prevented it. Democrats. Then you yourself, bugman, we rallied by CNN to demand answers as to why soldiers were sent to war with HMMWVs. Here you are literally over a decade later repeating the propaganda.

Imagine being such a coward that you can’t just decline to give someone your number.

Great catch-and-release work, Alice!

I like how the “and that’s ok” propaganda technique used by digital media to tell people how to think before even reading a given article (such as this site) has now crept into the mind of the average idiot leaving notes.

Fake news.

Fake news. Stop believing the lies peddled by this site.

They didn’t. The story is a fucking lie.


You’re on a fake news/propaganda website infested with shills my friend.

Interesting how many high profile failure female CEOs there have been of late.

How is this guy attempting to rip a sign “alt-right?”

I look forward to seeing this mocked on reddit for being the laughable SJW trash that it is.

It’s mostly that you’re irrational lunatics, or rather you allow irrational lunatics to drive “liberal” policy when it is in fact a cover for totalitarian Marxism, Intersectionalism and Critical Theory being the two main trojans. Feel free to hit me up and I’ll explain how modern “liberals” aren’t liberal. The

Why does Rhett Jones hate women of color testifying before congress?


They were leaks, not hacks. Far too much data to have been done remotely. When will you stop believing the obvious lies designed to trick baby boomer who know nothing about technology?

Democrats and their propagandists in media have normalized political violence. Everything from justifying domestic riots to not one major outlet opposing attacking Syria because Assad is inconvenient.

DNC doubling down on the fake collusion narrative. LMAO

Part and parcel of living in an butterknife-free Orwellian-Intersectionalist police state.