
I look forward to seeing this mocked on reddit for being the laughable SJW trash that it is.

“All entertainment should be created with grey lumps of clay and only five words that I don’t get fake outraged about every day” - Charles Pulliam-Moore

Why does Rhett Jones hate women of color testifying before congress?

What hacking?

They were leaks, not hacks. Far too much data to have been done remotely. When will you stop believing the obvious lies designed to trick baby boomer who know nothing about technology?

By “treasonous” I’m sure you are referring to Hillary’s facilitation of the Uranium One deal and her selling her influence to the highest foreign bidder for donations to the Clinton Foundation slush fund, right?

“The Democratic National Committee (DNC) filed a lawsuit in federal court on Friday alleging the Trump campaign conspired with WikiLeaks and the Russian government”

DNC suing anyone over “collusion” is pretty hilarious though.

I would say at this point, the American way of peacefully passing the reign of control is over. The obvious persistence of the American liberal democrats accepting nothing but their way, their reign, their control is so obvious now that anything democratic about them is out the window. The democratic party has proven

Good? Wait how is this a civil matter? What standing does the DNC have, other than the sour grapes from picking an uninspiring candidate who failed to mobilize their base?

Brian, you should post this every day. Wind is killing it.

I don’t think the issue is what he was poisoned with but who did it. Not sure how they can survive considering this thing seems so deadly but that’s for the experts to decide.

Tom McKay writes like an arrogant spoilt brat.

Idiocracy: The Gizmodo Headline

Hmm... I wonder which side cries “THINK OF THE CHILDREN” more when determining public policy...

Once again Gizmodo cheers as we resort to using child soldiers as emotional fodder in a public policy battle.

+1 from a classical liberal

Nope. We just latch on to the fact that the media largely killed the story when all of those identity politics facets you pointed out came to light.

A few things:

I don’t see the connection to climate change here. I grew up in Hawaii and its been around as long as I can remember. My guess would be that more people are getting infected because more produce is being produced locally as old Sugar and Pineapple land gets used for other crops. Farmers markers were rare when i grew