
Never mind the fact that it’s not an ancient story, not African in origin, nor does it fit the description of “proverb.”

Dag you missed the entire point of the scorpion story. The scorpion stings the frog when they are halfway across the river. The frogs turns to the scorpion and says “Why would you do that, now we both going to drown “, the scorpion shrugs and says “Its just my nature”. The point is the frog foolishly believed the

That is absolutely not the thought process.

Leftist authoritarians have caused way more global harm than Nazis, IMHO.

SpaceX brought the cost of launches to the ISS from $400m to $40 per launch. That was a huge benefit for taxpayers. His rockets also come back to Earth for reuse.

Very few good chapters in history begin with the criminalization of speech or ideas. If your ideas are good enough, you need not ban dissent. If you have to ban dissent, you’re probably doing something incredibly fucking stupid that couldn’t stand up unless you threw people into cages for disagreeing with you.


most of the ideas you mentioned were very progressive ideas for the time and the pushback/violence came from the conservative side of the aisle;

Have you ever read this “writer” before? He hates anyone who is successful and/or makes money. This is his tired old schtick.

Counterpoint: Any billionaire who wears a shirt with the 80’s metal glam band Tesla on it is fucking awesome.

But not the violence or the death.


Because at some point something you want to say will be illegal, and you will find yourself at the wrong end of someone else’s “good intentions”.

Many people think burning the flag is hate speech. Poland now thinks acknowledging a potential partial role in the Holocaust is hate speech.

What if a very sensible idea that I have is considered hateful by some group?

The ACLU repeatedly stands up for Nazis on the principle that if they are protected, so is everyone else.

Probably never. But this is irrelevant.

Hate speech and obscene speech are all protected by the constitution, as they both should be.

“defending the unabridged freedom of speech” is bad!

Do you think MSU, which again is a government entity, could have possibly prevented him from speaking?