Rifles don’t “overheat” that quickly, dumbass.
Rifles don’t “overheat” that quickly, dumbass.
The problem is you can use your belt loop to get the same effect. Terrible accuracy but it gets a lot of lead out.. Go to 1:45 of this video.
Because it’s... not true? What do you think they make the barrels out of? Butter?
I mean you can also modify the sear on a bunch of guns to make them go full auto. But everyone knows that shit is illegal and you better not do that or you go to a PYITA Federal Prison.
You can do it with your bare hands with a little practice...
You can bump fire a rifle without a bumpfire stock using physics. Or make a similar device with a piece of PVC and a spring and put it over the buffer tube on an AR platform rifle. Regulating the bumpfire stocks won’t do away with bump firing.
Posts with 100% accuracy. Problem?
cool anecdotes bro
Why is this the only thing on the front page other than Sponsored Posts about learning courses?
Gizmodo was reporting on Milo Yiannopoulos’ leaked book with a very in depth opinion and criticism. When I suggested Gizmodo stick to technology and leave politics out of their articles the responses I got justifying it were, “The book is leaked and therefore it falls in the realm of technology.” Given that…
The article is about racist blacks - something that doesn’t fit the narrative on Gizmoto... I’m surprised it was mentioned at all.
Yeah, I guess it’s best to just focus on the part where she got away and not discuss the horrifying full story.
So, from Nothing Burger to Chicken Fried Fake?
You don’t understand they gotta point out racism what would Blake people even be able to do if they didn’t stand up for them? They’d be helpless of course. Lol
Am I weird for being more excited for the next gen Accord’s reveal next week than I am about this?
Probably because you look like a fucking faggot.
And morons have been actively working to take them away.