
Cult of what? It’s established psychology.

If it’s really not that shocking, ask yourself why it’s being hyped as some massive revelation.

Such obvious false flagging by bankers to undermine crypto.

Oh no 50,000 accounts? Meanwhile there are celebs and “activists” with millions of fake followers retweeting their talking points.

I do know how to compare them.

You couldn’t possibly be more off base idiot.

Hey Tom, does it work better or worse than the launch of the Obamacare website and why is the answer better?

Daiya vegan cheese is surprisingly great, albeit a little pricey, and melts deliciously.

The 2nd and 3rd world must be stopped.

You can, just become mayor of a sanctuary city.

Male feminists are the enemy. Frauds, the entire lot.

Ask yourself why, even after being defied to name a single country, even after being warned that failure to do so would be indicative of brainwashing, you didn’t answer the question.

Ask yourself why you are incapable of actually linking the thing you’re writing about in 2018.

What countries that Trump was referring to aren’t shitholes? Can anyone with a spine actually answer this?

My god the cringe. A grown man...

Can’t even tell if this is satire. Literal America-hating traitor, who leaked information because of hatred. Literal. Traitor.

make their pay equal

FYI North Korea began hydrogen bomb development after Libya was attacked for no reason by Obama. Libya dismantled its WMD program after the invasion of Iraq to ensure they wouldn’t be targeted.

You have a severe hormone imbalance. Get it checked out.

Ah the ol’ flammable tap water propaganda.