
You regret to actually write the truth.

Hire: You

Leftists are now complaining about the presumed and assumed genders of made up digital assistants.

Millions of people buying 1 or 2 things at a time and having them shipped is about the most inefficient and wasteful means of shopping.

wow you got me on a typo, sick burn Hitchens

The first NK nuclear test was in 2oo9, on Obama’s watch.

Behold, the anti-science left.

Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market

If Uber is a cab company than Airbnb is a hotel.

Decrying the out-of-pocket deterrence of pigeons just to make a desperate reach for some class warfare commentary. I guess anyone who fumigates for roaches is a Nazi, right Matt?

If I were joking what would the joke be?

No shit it’s different tracks in a different place in Washington. The point is they commit acts of mass terror.

It’s practically a direct source you dullard. They don’t hide the fact they did it.

ANTIFA communist SJWs.

It’s fake news. WaPo caught lying again. Gizmodo caught shilling again.

You just read fake news. This is a propaganda website. When will you idiots learn?

Canadians and British subjects would like a word. The same totalitarian ideology is spreading fast in the States.

Dismissing this garbage point of yours.

1984 references here are such a fucking reach you’re embarrassing yourself.

It’s so funny to watch imbeciles try and sound intellectual by referencing 1984, oblivious to the fact that it describes leftist ideology.