
Just like the police did (stupid)!

And this is the best “good guy with a gun” scenario we’ve ever seen.

You’re an idiot. Literally no point in even trying to explain why to an idiot.

He shot himself because he was bleeding out from the shots he received.

The shooter was bleeding out. If the guy had planned to shoot himself he would have shot himself already.

It’s a shame Gizmodo will never report that the guy who literally shot the shooter through a gap in his body armor was an eeeeeevil NRA member.

Your post is indomitable, just fucking outstanding.

Oh I thought the “grab by the p” recording was debunked and was referring to consensual behavior, or is she one of the accusers?

What are you referring to?

Not an argument, not a rebuttal, not a point, brainlet. totally intellectually bankrupt that you’re hiding behind a completely made up social construct only in place to help Twitter sell ads, called a TOS.

A “senior reporter” at fucking Gizmodo praising underhanded administrative abuse to target a user.

1. I don’t even watch football. Shitty ad hominem stupid. If you’re going to ad hominem make it a good one.

I don’t even watch football or most sports for that matter, I’m just not completely out of touch with the average folks who do.

How is Trump fascist? I’ll wait.

Police have never been held more accountable in US history and at the same time they need to be held accountable for criminal acts and at the same time no one likes this kind of stunt during the National Anthem where people just want to watch football without being constantly reminded of every gripe every group wants

What momentum? The Obama stimulus was a complete failure and the economy was stagnant most of his term. GM still makes garbage vehicles and the ACA is a disaster unless you’re an insurance or pharma company.

“Eating Papa John’s is racist.”

What is being ruined?

LOL @trying to downplay the failing SJWNFL as the reason for a major chain pulling adertising.