
Pretty sure this species has been around a while.

Fake News Novak

Person A: “No Scotsman puts cola in his scotch.”

I actually agree, but unfortunately we’re way past that. My hope isn’t to convince but to strongly suggest others reevaluate what they think they know based on the proven liars that disseminated the ‘information.’

Earlier this year, US intelligence agencies concluded that the Russian government was behind the 2016 hack of Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails that many believe swayed the election in favor of President Donald Trump.

The implication is the person who wrote that isn’t representative of the group. How hard is your life that you couldn’t connect those dots?

It’s communist doctrine. I offered another idiot block quotes from the actual co-author of communism but he wised up and decided he didn’t want to get the belt.

Didn’t even vote for him you mongoloid.

Find me ANTIFA literature that isn’t communist. I won’t even bother waiting but good luck bro. I’m sure you won’t let me down.

Will this finally be a for real hate crime instead of the hundreds of hoaxes theroot keeps reporting as authentic?

Nice Iran deal Obama. Great work.

there is now more public evidence about Clinton’s collusion with Russia than there is about any such collusion by Trump.

You take unattributable graffiti as gospel?

They aren’t necessarily communists up until the point where it’s found out that they aren’t necessarily communists, at which point they’re killed.

Found the brainwashed one. Americans are mostly white, thus American grievances are going to be significantly “white grievances.”

So they were going to automatically believe anything they saw against them.

You don’t know how periods and commas work, moron.

US gun ownership isn’t an existential threat to any nation whereas one NK hydrogen bomb detonated in the upper atmosphere could EMP most of North America and result in the deaths of millions from the chaos.