
“How America has silently accepted the rage of white men”

The same racist rhetoric makes it to their on air broadcasts, and they allow it with thin plausible deniability.

Read the thread and then apologize for not reading the thread stupid. CNN and other propaganda outlets brought race into it, not me.

From the mouth of Sheriff Joseph Lombardo during his latest press conference. 

Where’d ya go stupid?

So white people’s cultural problems are limited to eating disorders.

Now we’re bringing fgm into the mix. Nice.

Aren’t you the same guys who complain endlessly about the problems posed by Muslims and minorities? You don’t exactly have the moral ground here.

It begs the question though, why define it? In the case of the CNN article it’s being defined in such a way to single out whites. Is the skin color to blame though? Clearly it isn’t, just like in spite of the fact that overall gun violence is disproportionately a non-white issue, it isn’t because those perpetrators

Which is why it’s important to shift the narrative from gun violence to specifically mass shootings and use a very specific set of criteria in order to blame evil crackers. /s

Doesn’t matter, the headline blaming evil crackers for gun violence wouldn’t change.

Better yet, post your gabage to

That’s a clarification, not a refutation. None of what you just posted refutes the premise of the article - that white men are the problem.

Shitty old meme using an image that has no cheeseburger and a mouse just sitting there.

It was just revealed that he spent 20 (yes 20) years planning the attack. Without a criminal record and with plenty of money he could have managed just as much carnage with or without gun control, with or without guns.

How isn’t this fake news? Before you try and deflect by attacking that this image is from 4chan, try and dispute the point. You can’t.

Posts with 100% accuracy. Problem?

cool anecdotes bro

This is textbook prejudice bordering on racism. You are a garbage individual.

You’re suggesting Trump is cherry picking cornerstone relief supplies to sabotage the distribution of other supplies. There would be a paper trail so to speak leading up the chain of command and somebody somewhere would blow a whistle.