
While I’d agree with the statement that the US is showing signs of tattering at the edges, Puerto Rico is a cesspool of incompetence with an electorate that is hopelessly stupid.

This has been on reddit for days. Days.

lmao this cracker hating author is so salty

Be quiet stupid.

When I have time later I will dumpster your smugness.

Charles Whitman, who used a similar tactic back in 1966 had a brain tumor and it made him go nuts.

Why did you waste your life writing allthis? A terrorist doesn’t do what they do “for no plausible reason.”

A dog isn’t the opposite of god.

A dog isn’t the opposite of god. 

No one worth listening to is claiming this.

That makes 3 posts out of only a handful of posts where Democrats wink and nod toward the concept political violence.

Yet another post in this thread by a Democrat giving a nod to political violence.

You’re pretty representative of the unironic readership of this garbage site: Democrat, homicidal ideation, hypersensitive.


If the business isn’t useful at all, why is anyone using it?

I guarantee you think certain people should work at least 50% of the year for free.

We’re much better prepared as a civilization these days, but like you said, warm periods in history brought great prosperity, and cold periods were a disaster. A real ice age would be apocalyptic.

It’s the most significant factor, it would cause the least disruption to actually address it, addressing it would have affects in your lifetime as opposed to C02, and in general less animal agriculture in our lives would actually save people money.

This has been known for a while and should illuminate the fact that CO2 taxation schemes are just designed to bilk the public. You cannot possibly claim to give a shit about climate change and be eating as meat while almost totally ignoring animal agriculture. Yet that is 99% of the readership of this site and all of

Degenerate abuser of women. Burn.