
This is definitely for celiacs because all the “muh gluten” lunatics out there aren’t the type of people to eat a “muh GMO.”

I’m mocking the quote.. It’s fine in the movie but stupid when taken seriously enough to reference.

It’s a garbage quote based on a non sequitur. It’s perfect in the movie but when actually reading it, it’s nonsense.

We’re not mammals because we do things differently than other mammals?

Great quote if you want a justification to impose your will on not just the Jews, but all of humanity.

Some E-1 with no power over anything, probably not even allowed to be alone with the Twitter account, barely screws up a tweet and Matt Novak is there to write about it on like Trump is suddenly rounding up all the Jewish Mexicans.

Conservation =/= Preservation

I can’t wait to read the follow-up explaining how these gold diggers got their case dumpstered.

The same whites that got Obama elected voted for Trump shithead. 220 counties that went Obama flipped to Trump with less votes all around because your villainous, intellectually bankrupt DNC flagrantly defied the actual practice of Democracy and shoehorned in Clinton, the most unlikable candidate in American history

The height is less important than average body mass, which matters when you’re trying to survive in respective arctic or desert environments.

There are no extant, human subspecies.

Subspecies can still interbreed and produce viable offspring. Know the actual terms before chiming in with useless comments which address arguments that no one is making.

Humans are monotypic, we have no subspecies

Humans do not have a sub-species and next to that there is no taxonomical classification of “race” only traits.

Humanity is one race

Anti-science gibberish. The all nurture argument for intelligence has been thoroughly refuted.

Shkreli was never the aloof supervillain he so frequently postured as, and the only true threat he represented was to our collective patience through incessant, puerile attention-seeking.

“Take all his money.”

That scene where Jon and Dani are speaking alone, he walks away and then it cuts back to Dani. She turns and gives him a longful gaze.

The father of Zyclon was Jewish and knew the gas would be used for killing, just not for a genocide.