
Infanticide rarely happens by mistake though. Not so with gunshots.

Me: It’s not about X, it’s about Y. It’s about Y people, Y!

The sign of a stupid person: Instead of recognizing the intentional absurdity of the penguin in the desert analogy so that the underlying statistics can be the focus, the person responds with...

Yes because it’s physically impossible to be shot with your own gun when there is no gun of yours physically present anywhere.

not having a gun in the house is even more secure than that.

“So, my Administration released a plan today to expedite the development of smart gun technology, including by identifying the requirements that smart guns would have to meet in order for law enforcement to purchase and use them effectively - and keep themselves and the public safer in the process.”

A good percentage of the population already treats it as if it were true and a good percentage wishes it were true.

The thug grabs her from my arm.

Feel free to continue to derail this awful site with disorganized and delusional Trump commentary in unrelated sports sections.

Glenn Greenwald (hardly a right winger) > you

You can’t with a straight face find that acceptable considering all of the loose talk by the media up to this point. They’ve treated him as though he’s a Russian agent this entire time, yet have found nothing. The top 5 newspapers in the country treated the Steele dossier as fact, reporting off each others reporting.

nonononono see, that’s you, that’s you right there

Ah yes, Glen Greenwald, the well known right-winger. /s

Projection: When you dropped everything to watch Comey testify against Trump and it turns out all he did was incriminate himself as a literal traitor, but you totally forgot and then you moved on to the next thing that won’t result in impeachment then claimed some guy was moving the goalposts.

It’s not shifting from Russia to financials. They’re hoping the financials lead to Russia.

>finding evidence of crimes committed by a sitting President will lead.

Not an apples to apples comparison considering the resources devoted to Trump.

When someone tells you that they believe the world is flat do you get mad and call them white trash? No. You’re baffled and miffed that they believe something so obvious untrue, but no one would be getting as mad as you are right now.