
Why even get this mad? It reeks of insecurity.

I’ve been doing this since the first Fat Nothing, which was the blitz to get the electoral college to overturn the election.

Like I said, don’t believe me, just watch the narrative shift off Russia to financials.

Mueller has nothing on the lie we’ve been fed this whole time.

They found nothing on Russia collusion (predictably if you’ve been paying real attention), so to continue to disrupt the outsider president, the deep state is continuing to grasp at straws. You will see the media narrative shift from Russia to financials, because that is where the official investigation is going. How

>doesn’t even know why the first shots of the Revolution happened

pre-SJW Left: “stop labeling people.”

aaaaaand this is why they should be.

Take Shelter is phenomenal. Tremendous acting by Shannon and Chastain and deeply thematic. The best of this list and more IMO.

And it’s insensitive to demand that a woman dress more modestly in the west, when it’s the norm in most of the Islamic world.

Irish people use to term “boy” all the time. It has no racial connotations.

It’s as if you hardly ever fly.


A Verizon subscriber and his money are soon parted.

because it was an Obama “Dreamer.”

yep, turns out it was an Obama Dreamer

lol @ trying to turn this into a hate crime when it’s clearly a lover’s quarrel turned bad or a rapist covering up a rape.

Always amusing to see Gizmodo cherry picking what it wants to believe from Wikileaks.

That’s not an argument toots.