
Not it at all idiot.

Not to mention the absolutely laughable gender bias against men when it comes to domestic violence charges and convictions.

1. You don’t own guns. You’re just lying and I can smell it.

Why does Gizmodo love class warfare? #Alexandria

Actually it is. Great comment though.

Your proposal is retarded for at least half a dozen reasons. Stop posting for3 months at least.

I can’t wait to get a woman fired for making a similarly harmless joke.

People are waking up to this desperate witch hunt and it’s glorious.

The “Duke” controller is the absolute greatest controller ever.

Ridley Scott is the new George Lucas. A corrupted bum that should have retired ages ago but instead became a slave to his own ego.

One of my favorite movie endings ever. Great scoring as well.

Now playing

A presumably left wing crowd cheering the firing of FBI Director Comey.

It’s not macabre, it’s a cringey teen soap.

The show is made for 14 year olds.

How many will die on Marcon’s watch due to preventable terrorism?

Really it’s just the Chinese and their useless dick potions causing this.


Neither do Democrats, since they are typically Democrat.

You know what, fair enough. However, you don’t see me employing that kind of imprinted, programmed tactic, other than to do it ironically.

See the little . under the image I posted? Click it.