
How predictable are you?

You’ve either been duped by cable media who is intentionally understating the problem or you’re not paying close enough attention, or you’re intentionally understating the problem on your own. It’s far from a small group and with threats of violence and actual violence they’ve already shut down events and gatherings

Who do you think is going to fall for what you just wrote?

exact interpretation of your sentence rather than the crux of the argument

It’s a great, especially now that you can BYOD. I’ve helped set up a couple of accounts for a couple older friends of friends that just wanted a talk-only device. In that case the old plans are $12/mo included tax/fee.

America’s education system has failed you. If you think the following two statements mean the same thing you can’t consider yourself fluent in the English language.

You’re saying “It should have been something they would organize on”.

You just shifted the goalposts from,

It’s not that I don’t agree, it’s that it is objectively not true.

“The majority of voters on the right, old or young, have no idea what it is.”

Crying wolf about every little thing makes it impossible for left and right to come together to influence policy.

-great gif

oh lawd.

oh lawd.

As a Project Fi subscriber, this is starting to wear on my patience. I’m not expecting nor do I want greatest phone in the world, but they don’t even offer a sensible replacement for a 5X or in my case a Nexus 6.

Thank you for having the integrity to actually want to know.

Whoever did UI for that website should be fired. Clicking on Men’s/Women’s should go to a page with actual images of the styles, instead it toggles a dropdown menu which should appear when you hover over, not click.

Whoever did UI for that website should be fired. Clicking on Men’s/Women’s should go to a page with actual images of

California’s leaded water crisis is worse than Michigan’s, but it’s a fully Democrat controlled state so you’ll never hear about it.

By all means do both, but the thing is, I know this site well enough to know that “both” most likely isn’t going to happen.

So I can get shadowbanned for posting external links? Nah. I’ll let you humiliate yourself googling genital mutiliations in Detroit and finding that the story is 100% real. I know you already have too, which is why you’re obsessing over this arbitrary requirement that I post something.