The Shape of Pkunk to Come

Ivan to say these puns are terrible.

Pogs are back?

I must be doing something wrong, upset women never want to blow me.

Now this is podracing!

Dr. Beads?

Ok my biggest confusion is where does a parent of two kids find the time to eat out with them several times a week?

And yet you still shoot it all over the place.

You want to have sex with Brienne, basically.

The scene wasn't awkward as heck. Ed Sheeran constantly staring in to the camera was awkward as heck.

Poke is so non trendy it's made its way to backwoods Canada already.

Once again I am ahead of the curve.

The answer is none. None more white.

You had me at "young, attractive teenage-girl" but then you lost me at "-attracting man-child".

I'm still bummed you put her in the books George, because it showed the exact point you lost your balls and couldn't just let dead characters stay dead.

Yes actually.

Good luck finding any snark around here.

Well if it's not longer exclusive then I don't want it.

I'm sure he was doing it long before he was in his 70s.

They make your dreams come true.

How much do space blasters cost to manufacture?