The Shape of Pkunk to Come

Once she's married, neck injuries don't happen anymore.

Agreed, this episode actually made me laugh a few times.

I can't believe someone just declared that Voyager characters are beloved.

No, you're the only one.

Faile is the worst, but Morgase's story dragged on and on for books and then was abandoned at the end. That was an ever bigger waste of my time.

If you need to inspect your hotel room with a UV light, I'm thinking hotels, or going out in public, or being part of society in general might not be something you want to be doing.

I was being generous using the word mediocre.

Because there's been so many well received MMOs that had a 2 in the title…

Yes yes, it's a big massive conspiracy against mediocrity.

That's a step up for Disqus, normally it just shits the bed.

This close, they always look like landscape. Nope, you’re looking at balls.

Harlots are built on hope.

WTF is Cyborg, lol

On TV "Cool" means Coldplay.

I don't think it's that bad, I can at least identify Gerard Butler in a photograph.

Ha ha ha, right, like we have standards.

That's ok, I stole it off my coworker.

Beat you to this joke by 4 days, but I'll forgive you because no one was reading the comments on Newswire then.

It's so dense, every single frame has so many Beckys in it.

Nothing could possib-lie go wrong.