
Could be.

I would have tripped him.

Truthfully, that makes you sound sort of stupid.

"Yours is the biggest" isn't a lie.

I'm going to pretend I don't know who you're talking about.

I must be old. None of this was at all amusing.


Cool story, bro.

Good for them. I hope they make it work.

I would rather have a root canal than watch this.

No he doesn't. Women are just as funny or funnier than men.

She's wearing a fake headdress at an Indian racetrack and casino. Exactly which culture is being appropriated here?

Nice stalking.

You're so cute and self-actualized.

Don't you need to go malign some innocent foodstuffs or something?

I'm slut shaming this whole thread!

I was surprised at the severity of the sentence. If he'd raped one of them he'd probably been promoted.

Guess what?


I'll pray for you.