
I think this goes above and beyond and I am a-okay with giving him a cookie for this. Ignoring the asshole and not asking his staff to show a little leg is the decent human-being thing to do. Creating a potato skin celebration and fundraiser for good cause is FUCKING HEROIC!

Ordinary, decent behavior would have included outrage and a request to have the offending review removed. Turning the review sideways and promoting rape awareness is, as far as I'm concerned, going beyond basic human decency.

This reminds me of the time my sister's gross ex-husband kept harassing her to send him nude photos. One text asked for a picture of her "muffin," so she sent him a shot of the breakfast pastry. When he didn't get the hint, she threatened to tell his new wife about his behavior, and the texts stopped.

"Thank you. It is very helpful to begin to hear stories like these lately thanks to the internet and see there are people who see it as wrong. I think we were raised to be so passive and silent that many of us wouldn't speak out if it weren't for the internet, and maybe that's why we are finally starting to hear these

"Her blog is amazing. She puts everything into words I haven't been ever able to. This stuff is not just a fringe, it's very visible in the evangelical Christian world with varying levels of crazy."

Yes I was Home schooled! I have found that to be a common thread as well. It is true what you say about it not being unique to them- or that all the Quiverfull families will use such methods but it does seem to be popular among that particular group/brand of Christianity as you mentioned. In my case it was Evangelical

Thank you so much for sharing your story here. I think its so important to make THIS the dominant story, and maybe people can stop pretending that this is some wholesome, oh-shucks, American as apple pie, good Christian movement. Its not - its scary, and kids are DYING from it. You and Libby Ann sharing what you went

Libby Anne's blog on the Duggar's surprised me in that it described a philosophy about children that I was raised with. Particularly the authoritarian discipline and emotional control aspects. I want to read over the rest of her posts! I was not raised with the Quiverfull mentality, instead my family was a part of the

Many of them are something other than heterosexual and refer to sexual orientation as a choice because they have "chosen" to be straight and ignore their sinning impulses.

It doesn't seem like it was about the sex. He got a thrill out of her not knowing. He recorded it so he could relive the sense of power anytime he wanted. Just cheating wouldn't have satisfied the sicko.

As a pediatrician with a particular interest in early childhood learning and development, I was beyond appalled. It gives me nightmares to think of what kinds of long-term developmental damage can be done with such a practice - to literally train the inquisitiveness out of a developing brain. No ethics board on the

it makes me SO angry when people try to convince someone that they NEED to forgive someone else. You know what? Fuck you.

Forgiveness is so personal, and depending on what the person who is asking for forgiveness did, it may be asking too much.

It might give you peace to forgive, it might not. But it's not up to anyone

So he got convicted of sexual assault - are there not any additional charges for drugging someone? I know Xanax is not ricin or whatever, but you're putting someone at risk any time you give them medication and put them in an altered state without their knowledge. Prescription drugs that are overall benign still have

I get the feeling that with a husband like that she had every right to be "snippy".

I work in a domestic violence program and had a judge once tell my client that she should give her abuser credit for trying to be a good dad. This after he continually ignored phone calls to let her speak with the kids during his parenting time, and despite the fact that there had been over five CPS reports involving

Anyone interested in reading more about this particular brand of psychosis would do well to check out this blog, Love, Joy, Feminism and others like it. A real eye-opener from a Quiverfull-refugee.

I really do not understand how they don't realize their hypocrisy. From my understanding, they didn't use any birth control because they believed that God would give them a baby/choose their path/whatever. They didn't want to interfere. But now, it seems they are going directly against their original beliefs - they

I'm confused about the whole "up to God" thing, then. If you are taking medical measures to optimize or increase your fertility, how is that at all different from taking birth control, in terms of meddling with "God's plan?" You're taking measures into your own hands for both. It's the exact opposite of birth control,