
Just wanted to say you are not alone. I felt comforted reading your post, not that misery loves company, just knowing that I am not the only person trying to figure out where my sex drive disappeared to.

the pill totally causes migraines. Its why I went off them I got my Mirena IUD .

My insurance will pay for chiropractors and my chiro has a massage therapist, so my insurance (unknowingly?) pays for her too.

I've been on them for at least 10 years, so I don't remember if there were any side effects when I started taking them. I don't have any problems now. Before the minipill I was on Ortho-Tri Cyclen and Ortho-Tri Cyclen Lo and I don't remember having any side effects with those (except for increased migraines with

If you get migraines with auras and are on the pill, call your doctor!!! I can only take the mini pill aka Erin aka Nora aka progestin-only pills because the combination pills might kill me and/or increase my chances of having a stroke.

I'm a gun owner and I do open carry sometimes (when hiking in certain back country areas) and I don't even get the whole "open carry whenever, wherever" thing. I'd rather not be wondering if the jackass at the next table is going to get drunk and pull his gun on someone.

Rather than being like forgetting underwear, I'd say it's more like not thinking to bring an umbrella because the thought it might rain just didn't occur to you. Especially if your periods aren't clockwork regular.

Yeah, I don't know if the actress thought she "deserved" it or not, but no one's forced to donate.

The flip side does make it difficult. I realize some people object to porn the way I do oil spills, but I wish we could hold that kind of discrimination to things that ACTUALLY have measurable negative externalities. Like it or not widespread availability of porn correlates to lower sex crime rates. A pipeline running

A "hypersexual" woman is one who admits that her sex drive is as high as men's supposedly are. I have a higher drive than any guy I've dated but its not like I'm crazed. I have complete control over it, I've never cheated on a boyfriend or regretted sleeping with someone. But still when I tell a guy that I'm up for

I think of it as Peer to Peer charity, charity for the digital age.

The teenager that still lives me says "no-they were angry at petty adult b.s. that wastes their time (like most of high school)"-and my adult self who has taught h.s agrees.

You were just extremely flippant to a person whose sibling was having an extremely hard time after an unfair rule ruined his track career. Your comment served no purpose except to say that you're somehow a better person because you did not react that way after shit happened to you. You were self-serving and an

Whether or not their motives were pure, high school dress codes are at best confusing and at worst, blatantly gendered and sexist. There's a difference between asking people to dress in a way that's put together and asking girls to cover up their arms and legs so the boys don't zomg go crazy. Boo to high school dress

It's more like they're brain is integrating and that they've got quite a lot of cognitive development to go.

Individuals are protected with regard to certain things, like race or creed. But you cannot make it illegal to discriminate against any individual for any reason, otherwise it would be illegal for a bank to discriminate against lending money to someone who was poor and unemployed, with a poor credit history.

Unfortunately, it is legal to discriminate against people for something other than race, sex, religion, and/or whatever other legally protected group they belong to. Chase recently shut down hundreds of accounts belonging to porn actors, just because they were porn actors. While I disagree with that, the flip side of

I guess I kind of forgot to lead that back to your post- for many people it's just a paycheck. It doesn't mean they're going to take over your town and fuck all over it and buy porn to litter with.

The assumptions people make are just hilarious. I guess I can't blame them because I believe a lot of dumb shit about sex work when I was younger. I had a psychiatrist try to prescribe me 3 mood stabilizers the first time I spoke with her because she thought I was bipolar. The major reason behind this diagnosis was my

One thing this article, (which is even worse than the others I've already seen on this, unfortunately) totally misses, is that the so-called violation didn't even occur on WePay's site. Another performer tweeted that she would provide nekkid pictures to anyone who made donations, Eden re-tweeted it, and WePay was