
WELL-SAID. You're so right about how people who cling to their beliefs regardless of facts are praised and validated for being confident and sure of themselves, while people who modify their beliefs based on evidence are criticized for being wishy-washy.

Okay, but let's not forget that this issue goes beyond the anti-vaxxers and the anti-evolution people and the anti-global warming people and the Holocaust deniers and all the other groups we know are misinformed idiots. This is about how all of us are subject to confirmation bias. For example, I like to believe that

I completely agree about it being pretty terrifying about how many people I'll just come across and even be close with that you realise really enjoy controlling people in one twisted way or another. I think a lot of times it's more an indictment of society and our culture at large than anything else, but still.

Psychological issues can and do have a huge effect on physical issues. This is why when doctors cannot find what's wrong with people, they will often send them to talk with a psychiatrist. We see a lot of somatic symptoms, which vary from culture to culture, but also person to person. So it sounds like you might want

So true. I was shocked and saddened last year to learn that human trafficking is totally a thing in Northern Ontario, where I grew up. The story involves First Nations women and children living in poverty, so it wasn't shocking that it quietly made its way through the news. Not really sure why people aren't more upset

Culture or not, 12 IS just too fucking young. At that age they definitely are still children for Christ's sake!

If they're Mexican the age of consent is 12 there. So, poorly resourced undocumented immigrants may not be fully aware of all laws. Not excusing it, but putting some cultural relativity to it.

God that's so fucked. I've read a lot about those mothers who are jealous of their daughters, usually with their husbands or boyfriends. You're right though what kind of idiot would think that a 15 year old and your old ass boyfriend are having a consensual relationship. Even if so be a goddamn good mother and set her

I don't see this as strange. I never get these People "oh yes, he is fiscally conservative but he is pro gay marriage". So what? What's good about that? He supports politics that are designed to hurt people but he has a hipster haircut, hooray. Not everyone is a right wing fundamentalist Christian. They are not the

Yes, I see this a lot. I live in Phoenix but am from a much more liberal city originally and I see a lot of young conservative types here that are all "we love the gays and weed" and pretty hippie-dippy (obsessed with trader joes, "artisan" and "bespoke" everything, specialty coffee and booze...etc etc hipster gag me)

When I read statements like yours I think to myself, this is going to be an interesting next 50 years in America, hope I get to see it.

Gwyneth Paltrow can learn a thing or two from Angelina Jolie.

According to the CEO of "," if you've got a pass, "You go to the park like you would go to hang out at the mall with your friends."

I think it's more about control than the actual amount. I was single and lonely and was drinking way too much to cope with that — binge drinking every weekend, a glass or two of wine a few nights a week. I recognized it might be a problem, so I cut back a lot without a problem. My boyfriend, on the other hand, has a

It comes down to as Tatum states, the extent to which you need to "escape". If you need to get drunk or high often because you are incapable of feeling emotions or dealing with anxieties, your substance behaviors are probably an issue. Alcoholics in sobriety, that began abusing whatever at a young age, missed

While I loathe the entitled, dishonest jackasses who do this, I'm not okay with the unconsented-to photographing. Not cool.

To be blunt I don't like that these guys had their picture taken without permission, with the exception of people committing a crime I don't think people should be photographed without consent.

So far I've seen 2 separate discussions in the comments stating that the reason men do this is because their balls get smushed. As a guy, they are full of crap. Right now I'm sitting on my couch with my legs together in appropriate subway togetherness. My knees are not touching, and I'm not spread eagled all over the

I have a hard time believe there are no other seats available when the photographers have enough room to step back and take a picture without anyone getting in the way...

These pictures do nothing without context.