
Perhaps I don't know something about recent developments in native culture, but I thought that headdresses signified a very important aspect of native religious ceremonies? And that it's very important to their culture, and thus very offensive when a non-native person appropriates it since they don't know and were not

I definitely notice this, but with pretty much everyone. I try not to do it myself, and I think I do it less often because I'm naturally extremely logical and always checking myself for this. (To a fault when it comes to relationships) But I think everyone, including myself, is capable of this, and everybody should be

I'm wondering though if the native students picked the mascot. Everyone here is assuming they didn't, but that seems unlikely given they are half the school population. There's nothing inherently offensive about the mascot unless non-native people picked it. I think it's actually a bit of "white savior"-ish that

I don't see the problem if he's trying to bring awareness. Somewhere along the way people seem to have forgotten high school is also for learning, and it's switched over to this idea it should be all fun and social all the time. Which is fine, but it should also be more so for getting kids to think outside their

The mascot seems like it might be problematic, depending on if it was something the native students picked or if it was more driven by non-native ones. It could be a source of pride since there is a high population of native students, and if that's what happened, they have a right to have a mascot representing their

I'm currently in therapy specialized for trauma, and I'm hoping it will help! I do think I tend to get physical issues arising from psychological ones. Im someone who holds everything in and doesn't reach out to other people for help, and so I think the kind of stress I create for myself by not accepting help does

I was referring more in general to the idea of the age of consent and culture. This case is pretty cut and dry, but why the mother may have thought a 15 year old could consent is not as cut and dry. While I don't think a 15 year old can consent, the UK would say she could on her next birthday. It gets pretty murky at

I'm pretty sure everyone is blaming the boyfriend more. But parents are responsible for their children, and attempting to protect them from abuse is one of those responsibilities, regardless of the gender of the parent. However, some people have pointed out this may have been a cultural difference with the idea of

That's true. It's hard when it's a cultural norm difference. The US generally says 18 is the age of consent. The UK says 16. Apparently in Mexico it is 12. We don't have any real science to say what exact age is appropriate (although I think 12 is definitely under that line since not all 12 year olds have even hit

I don't personally have any problem with fiscal conservative ideas. I'm not even sure where I stand on that because I don't feel I have enough information to decide that. The government obviously does need to stop spending so much money. The problem is figuring out where to be fiscally conservative and not to be, but

I doubt these cases are as rare as we think. It's pretty easy to disappear without raising red flags if even a few family members are either involved or assume some alternate story and stop looking. Or if the person is disconnected from family members. Even schools/jobs won't do much to look into what happened,

This seems to me to be more of a problem with the mother, thinking that a relationship with a 15 year old could ever be consensual. I wonder if she ever even reported it, which certainly could be difficult if she was here illegally, but at least from the reports so far, it sounds more like the mother was angry they

how do these even get past whoever approves them? It's so obviously a mistake; I just don't get how they even get published without being noticed.

I grew up in a really conservative state. Ive noticed there's a lot of strange mixes of political ideas forming with people I know, especially in the younger non religious but still conservative crowd. Many are scared of the economic future and take it out on minorities they think are making it worse for them (which

I really like Angelina Jolie. She seems very self aware and empathetic. And she doesn't let the tabloids that have attacked her for years turn her overly defensive, while still not putting up with bs questions. I would find that very hard to do, personally, so good for her.

I went ten years ago as a teenager and want to go back so bad. I could care less about the lines as long as I have enough time to do what I want to do and am with people I can have fun with during the wait. Disney movies were a very important way I stayed sane and escaped when I needed to as a child, and I still love

That's very true. It seems like it's expected to be anxious and stressed constantly.

I've always been a little confused as to where the line is on alcoholism. Binge drinking on some weekends and regular small amounts of alcohol in the evening or even at lunch to relieve stress and/or socialize seems the norm in grad school. Yet people are getting their PhDs, and so obviously functioning, and it's part

This is about a guy demanding women show more skin. Women should be able to dress however they want, showing a lot or none at all or anywhere in between. The problem here is that some guy thought it was his right to control how women dressed, which is sexist. It has nothing to do with saying showing some skin is wrong.

I'm actually doing EMDR therapy right now. I just started but it seems to be helpful. I know I probably shouldn't bother worrying over this. It's not like I can ever know for sure anyway, and there was plenty of stuff in the relationship that wasn't ok that I do know for sure happened. I think reading this just