
I feel the same! I'm constantly paranoid I'll be identified by someone I know, but I'm getting more and more vocal and less afraid of whether people will be angry with what I say. It's also very helpful to realize I'm not the only one. It's sad that people have had to go through this like I have, but good to know

It amazes me people like this actually think this is a rational response. I don't know much about the common core stuff, but I imagine there are very good arguments both for and against it. But people like this will actually overlook the rational arguments that would help them in favor of idiotic stuff like this that

Thank you. It is very helpful to begin to hear stories like these lately thanks to the internet and see there are people who see it as wrong. I think we were raised to be so passive and silent that many of us wouldn't speak out if it weren't for the internet, and maybe that's why we are finally starting to hear these

I can attest to the developmental problems I personally had. I was raised in a similar environment, just without as much of the emphasis on having kids/extreme patriarchy stuff. To this day I have a very hard time identifying emotions because I taught myself how to not feel when I felt guilty about whatever thought I

Her blog is amazing. She puts everything into words I haven't been ever able to. This stuff is not just a fringe, it's very visible in the evangelical Christian world with varying levels of crazy. And the government does nothing to make sure homeschooled kids are not being abused. Abuse is rampant in these

I read it as well and didn't see that quote either. That does change things and make the article misleading.

Its typical fundamentalist/evangelical Christian logic (not all Christians, but this specific type that I grew up with). It's the only way they can spout off their beliefs without being a complete extremist. If they actually practiced what they preach, most would be extremist cults and end up labeled as terrorists.

yeah wouldn't drugging someone be a kind of assault? Maybe she can try to get him charged with that separately?

This is scary as shit. I won't even bother commenting on the ridiculousness of the sentence, since plenty of other commenters have said what I would anyway. But to me it's terrifying he was able to do this without her knowing. Every once in a while I wondered if my ex ever did anything similar. I told myself I was

lol how is that leaving it up to god? It sounds more like she just likes having kids (or the money from the tv show), which is fine as long as she's caring for them (although I do take issue with the religious intolerance and indoctrination of the kids I've heard about regarding this show), but conveniently says it's

No because you were threatened. There's nothing false about the report you made. Now if you lied about being threatened or knew first hand that the threat was not real (as in you were in on the "joke"), then it's a false report. But I don't see how it could be a false report to tell them you were threatened when you

Do you know if the mirena IUD helps with acne? Also did you get a lot of pain with it? I tried the copper IUD and it caused a ton of pain and my acne came back really severely.

I really wish I had the money for regular massages. A lot of my headaches are definitely back pain related, and the one massage I had was amazing. I have scoliosis and I think my muscles tense up weirdly because of it when I am stressed or if I exercise, sending the pain up to my head. I need to make a commitment to

I get migraines that may be with aura. They are not typical, as it's usually an olfactory disturbance rather than visual and the olfactory thing often happens without a migraine too. I also get just plain migraines most of the time. So it's debatable whether it's an aura or not. But my true migraines didn't start

Did you have acne? I tried the copper IUD but my doctor seemed to think mirena might have been better. The copper IUD was horrible. In addition to the acne coming back (which the doctor was very insistent couldn't be caused by the IUD but rather the lack of the pill), I had terrible pain. I had what I guess was actual

I was on Yasmin but am now on reclipsen. I've also been on enpresse and didn't notice any difference. I tried the copper IUD to get off hormones and that's when the acne came back. But the doctor swore the IUD couldn't cause acne, but I had it removed since it was causing a ton of pain anyway. My problem is I'm not

I hate taking birth control. I'm convinced it changes my mood and possibly my sex drive and sexual attractions. (Which has been found by studies before.) It also seems to increase my migraines. I don't want to take it, but if I stop, I get severe acne. Way more than I got as a teen. It went way up as an adult; I

I get the idea, but this could only be used appropriately on a nearly empty bus. Crowded buses do not allow for this much personal space unfortunately, and it would continually go off from normal, non creepy people. But on a nearly empty bus, train, etc, it sounds like a good statement.

While they sound like jerks, as a woman, I'm not sure why guys should get up more than me. That rule is more about ability, so if I'm of the same ability as the men sitting, I think we have equal responsibility to get up. I just make sure to sit in the back if I can though just to not have to worry about it as much.

This has been up a while for all blank fields. But has anyone actually been asked not as a joke? It just seems too obviously not social acceptable for even the really socially inept people I've known. I'm just doubting this will be used very often.