
I am having trouble believing this is real because the writing style is a little too heavy on making him look like a hypocrite. Most guys would at least be like "I know this sounds bad but" and make some excuse or something. And the way he makes her sound super sympathetic at every single point is hard to buy. Someone

I wonder if this means he can bring cats to the dorms? I know so many people who couldn't bring pets to college because of dorm rules, and allowing pets could be a pretty good selling point for colleges.

Yeah now that it's coming out that this article is not giving full facts it seems less like discrimination. Although I think it does occur as with chase not being willing to work with adult performers, but it does seem the article was misleading from the various commenters saying she may have been getting money in

Not that I condone the rioting as a response. But I hate how schools enforce dress codes and other rules like this to the letter. It teaches kids that the letter of a rule is all that matters and that there's no room for common sense. And we wonder why we have a society that thinks only in black and white. At a

I do think it's weird how crowd funding goes towards things like this. But if people want to help, I don't see a problem as long they are honest about where the money goes.

That's a good point about being able to not fund environmental or human rights abuses indirectly. I'd never thought about that. Although to me there's a difference between funding an individual and funding a company. So it seems like there would still be a way to make a law saying you couldn't discriminate against

That's ridiculous! It's always great (sarcasm) how the whole hyper sexuality almost always is aimed at women too, not usually men. And yeah, I've known people with adult jobs who aren't that into adult stuff outside of work and people who really are. And I've also met people not in adult work who are very into porn

yeah I suppose profession is not a protected thing. I personally think all things should be protected. If it's not relevant to the service provided, you shouldn't be able to deny a service to that person. If the service itself requires a certain demographic (like a dating site for singles or only a certain religion,

It'd be interesting to see if porn use is even any higher with adult workers than the general public. (Not that it justifies this either way) I've known several people in various adult or close to adult jobs, and they weren't necessarily any more non traditionally sexual than anyone else. It's not like we assume a

It really is bullshit. You might want to research the laws in your state and federally just so you are prepared to fight it if anything does become a problem. I tried an adult job for an extremely brief time (like a couple weeks) but even in that short time I realized how ridiculous and excessive and convoluted all

How is that legal? Wouldn't that be discrimination? Of course they can decide where the money goes. But why can they decide if a person can use the money on an approved thing based on what that person's profession or other personal aspect of them is? If I as a science professional can use money on x thing, why can't

I liked spring breakers. It was also the only thing I've ever liked James Franco in. I didn't realize it was him until halfway through the movie. But yeah, I know the movie seemed weird and pointless, but I thought it was a really interesting look at how our culture tells young adults that they need to have an

But what other answer is there? A suspension gets him gone for a couple days and does nothing to keep the girl safe. Assuming this happened the way the father says it did, this is serious psychological and physical abuse. That's not just a one oft time of a kid repeating something he heard. A kid saying "I'll kill

The sad thing though is that homeschooling is not regulated and is a perfect tool for abusive parents to fly under the radar. While I totally understand the sentiment from concerned non-abusive parents when they see stuff like this, it frustrates me that stuff like this regularly goes on for many kids by their

Lol are you referring to the movie/book? I relate to that more than I'd like (although obviously not so extreme)

I did not watch the video as I don't want to be triggered. But this brings back memories of my mom. She never hit me (did run at me and barely touch me like she would hit me a couple times) but mostly would get in my face and scream at me. For hours somtimes. And the thing was, it was for almost no reason. I never did

I imagine suspension is just an administrative step. If they don't fire her, the parents could easily charger her with assault and then they'd pretty much have to anyway. But I imagine it's a paperwork issue more than that they are letting her come back.

Parents too... "Oh they just lost their temper". No if you can't keep your temper fucking go to counseling. Not get physical with a kid. It's sad what people justify.

Exactly. And the thing is most places have alternative schools for kids who are expelled anyway. My dad was a teacher and he had kids get sent to them. They are very structured with low student to teacher ratios and the kids are on an IEP and worked with until they can go back to a normal school. There's also

This is a good answer IMO. In the real world a threatening person can be barred from being around their victim. We should do this for bullies too when the school won't do anything. The school might change their practices with bullying if they are suddenly having to move bullies all over different classrooms because