
This is obviously disgusting, but why does anyone go there anyway? Their food is shitty and the servers aren't dressed any more shocking than most other bars. I just don't see the appeal for anyone.

It always amazes me how people who "aren't racist" bring up race when talking about a situation where it is 100% irrelevant. Race is a part of someone's appearance/identity they cannot control. I do not bring up any part of a person's appearance/identity they can't control (including race, size, things that suggest

I have a feeling straight girls in clubs wouldn't be as aggressive as some gay men. Just because someone is gay doesn't mean they haven't possibly internalized patriarchal attitudes towards sex and might be more inappropriately aggressive compared to women, straight or not. And if that's been his experience, where at

Tactfully pointing it out, sure. Calling it offensive and creating internet outrage seems a bit overboard. I have plenty of passions but I don't freak if others aren't quite as up on them or if advertising doesn't quite cater to my level. Just don't buy it if it bothers you. I have a hard time justifying spending

I mean I have nothing against ballet. It's cool and if you like it, do it. But to be this offended and outraged... Like really? Saying hey this isn't good ballet and maybe you guys should've been less lazy is one thing. But the level of internet anger is just a bit over the top IMO.

I usually don't say first world problems because I don't believe someone else having it worse means you shouldn't make your life better. But this is definitely an exception...

I was always amazed growing up at the idiotic stuff the extreme Christian groups I was raised in could get worked up about. Even as a young child I thought they were idiots for the things that caused major drama. It was actually one of the many things that drove me away. It's a bit hypocritical to say we're all going

I'm not sure it's fair to say it's trolling until we read it. I mean it's likely they won't cover it well, but at least this topic is finally getting mainstream attention, so I personally will wait to judge until I see it. I hope they do cover it in a nuanced, non victim-blaming way. Assuming they won't before reading

But will they really be able to find another job? And won't they be sued? Couldn't they even get possible theft charges from the hotel? That amount of money sounds like a lot, but it's not enough to live off of forever and finding a new job with that background will be pretty hard. I mean maybe they will eventually,

Idk I make less than that and the ruined reputation wouldn't be worth it to me. They won't ever be getting a job that requires any sort of security again, and probably not a lot of other jobs either. Once the name is released and the suit and any applicable legal charges start, their name will be connected with that

Haha I wonder how many celebrities stage drama not for publicity, but just to mess with the public. I could see getting fed up enough with all the stalking that goes on and just start making it one big joke.

my cat definitely did. She was a terror at night if I didn't wear her out during the day. I think she thought 3am was a good time for interval training that involved running back and forth, jumping on high things, and knocking things over. She was pretty young though, so I think she still had a lot of kitten energy.

the cat is just like fuck you lol

My other reply seemed to disappear. So if it pops up feel free to ignore this! It surprises me that, if there's such a dearth of evidence that they are be open to libel simply for releasing a disciplinary decision, that they would not be able to actually discipline the student either, since that's altering their

The weird thing is that she didn't. She grew up fairly poor so that might be why, but her stories never made it sound like she went hungry. My dad also grew up really poor and was the total opposite. We were lower middle to working class income wise growing up but we definitely always had what we needed. I've thought

why is it not public record if a student is found responsible for a violent crime? It's bad enough they stay on campus. At least let women be able to stay away from these people. They gave up their right to privacy when they were found responsible for assaulting someone. I'm not sure why it's protected information. It

I would understand that, having been an over sheltered/isolated teen myself that went a little crazy as a young adult. But the stuff he's doing isn't just getting wasted, trying some drugs to experiment, etc. like most rebellious teens/young adults do. The stuff he does is so absolutely insane that I can't see it as

Why would anyone like him other than really young teenagers at this point? I couldn't be a fan of someone that horrible. He's definitely the most obnoxious celebrity I can think of as in repeatedly just acting like an entitled asshole for no reason. And it's always really bizarre stuff that makes no sense. I'd think

My mom is like this. It's absolutely irrational sometimes. She'll eat it rather than let somebody throw it away. I mean try not to waste food, but it makes no sense to eat what you otherwise wouldn't have or to get sick off something. She'll also buy things she's never going to eat but then refuse to throw it away

we have that where I am too. They don't do it if you obviously just couldn't finish it, but it keeps people from abusing it.