
Thank you very much for your thoughtful response. This is really helpful to hear. That is really interesting about your friend, and doesn't sound like my ex at all. Honestly, it sounds more like me when I'm not in a situation where I feel afraid of or too connected to an abusive person. It's so odd to think of that as

I suppose I struggle with the idea of whether being terrible as a regular way of being equals a mental issue. Sometimes I think yes, there has to be something wrong with them to not see what they are doing, and other times no, they're just assholes. Even narcissism is technically a diagnosable personality disorder

Yeah sociopath probably isn't the best word. More like people without any empathy or desire to gain it (for whatever reason) although I'm not sure what that would be called. I think I just get so angry thinking about my own experiences and how that person didn't care about anyone but himself no matter how aware he was

Funny thing is I don't know if I've ever seen my ribs (maybe once when I lost a ton of weight from being too stressed out) but my hips have always jutted out like that. It's so annoying. If I gain weight it's always in my stomach, not on my hips, thighs etc. I think everyone's body is different, and attacking the idea

Yeah I used to go to a UU church. I was unaware they homeschooled much but that might've been the particular region I was in.

I wish I could find something like that!

right?! I watch porn occasionally, and only if it's two women. But I've never found any not made for the male gaze or pretty obviously fake. It's not like it's just so ubiquitous. It's got to be even worse to find heterosexual porn for women.

I think I'd actually get sick of them faster because they were stars. The entitlement, shallowness, and how sheltered they'd be from every day things would probably make me lose it pretty quick. I think I'd personally feel pretty disgusted to see all that excess and snobbiness.

yeah I can't imagine actually making it as an actress/musician this way. I'd think everyone looking down on you for being an assistant would make it worse to try and get your foot in the door. Although I know nothing about the entertainment industry, and it must be worth it for enough people. I think the only way I'd

I don't think I could do it. That sounds awful. Is it the money that keeps people there? Or the possibility of getting connections to act/be a pop star? It just doesn't seem worth it otherwise, even going to expensive parties and what not.

I was homeschooled during most of highschool but never went to a homeschool prom. I had a friend who did though and didn't exactly talk highly of it. I'm surprised actually that they even let them dance. My senior prom at a Christian school didn't. Homeschoolers that hold groups like this are almost always as backward

That's a very good point. And it's also not like guys couldn't sneak into the women's bathrooms to put other guys' names that they don't like up there. There's just so many problems with this. I get why it was done, and that the people were probably hurting and very desperate. I definitely don't blame them. But I

I imagine in this specific case, it's probably true, just because of the circumstances. I do understand why it was done. Although I imagine it was the same person writing it twice/recopying the old list. But I think as a precedent, it could cause a ton of problems. There will be people who will believe the

I am most definitely feminist but this is ripe for false allegations. It takes two impulsive seconds for someone to write a name down out of malice. Because there's no consequence for lying if it's anonymous. I get the frustration but this will make things worse for survivors and could seriously damage innocent

I understand the frustration, but this is a horrible idea. False accusations will be a problem with this, because it's anonymous and there's no consequences for lying like there are when not anonymous. Not that there should be stigma with reporting rape in general, but there is, which means most people don't report

Having sponsors that create a conflict of interest is definitely a problem. However, the thing about celiacs is misleading. They specifically said gluten intolerance, which is very different from celiacs. Gluten intolerance is very often self diagnosed and definitely can be (although is not always) a fad. I doubt

You would think there were no sex stores to find safe ways to enjoy sex more with the things people try... You don't even have to be close to one! Just go online... Yeah, just no is so right for this.

I have a hard time understanding people like this. It's usually not that they're psychotic, or I would feel very sad for them and hope they get treatment. Because psychosis is very out of a person's control. But most people I've known like this just want to believe it because of an assortment of emotional struggles

Is there really a valid reason they mention race every time I see a news report like this? It's not as though anyone could ever ID them off that vague of a description. That happens a lot for crime alerts where I live and is used way too often as an excuse for racism. Is there really a good reason for including it?

maybe it is cultural! Or more likely I just don't keep up what's popular with heterosexual women. Lol.. A lot of girls I know do post pics of random shirtless celebrities on fb and I'm like "yawn" and scroll on so maybe I just don't pay attention!