
I'm not an adult film star, but I do have an adult job that involves nudity. Stuff like this really worries me. Will my bank suddenly stop cashing my checks because they Google the company they come from? What other services can I legally be denied for working in the adult industry?

This is assault and battery. On tape. Why the hell is this not in the court system?

Folks, there is a procedure for these things and it absolutely must be followed. I promise you this teacher will never teach again. The 10 day suspension is automatic while the proper channels are used to remove her entirely.

Let's maybe let the system do it's job and THEN, if it fails, get bent out of shape about

Dumb guys that genuinely believe the waitresses are interested in them are clearly their target demographic.

As Mark says it really does seem to be because the waitresses are nice looking girls who pretend they like their customers.

"If these allegations are true, counseling may be a much better course of action than expulsion."

She will lose her job, I suspect. Since teachers are union, I assume the suspension is the first step in a bunch of required procedures that may take about 30-60 days. Although this case is pretty cut and dried, the process protects a lot if innocent teachers from crazy, reactive parents.

Counseling may be "better," but let's get real — expulsion here is a must if this kid really said and did those things. At ANY age, threatening a little girl with language like, "I'm gonna slit your throat and watch you bleed" is 100% grounds for expulsion. Period. Sure, the kid needs counseling, and I hope he gets

And yet...some non violent kids get expelled for playing cops and robbers with an eraser gun? The child needs therapy, a different school environment that is better able to deal with those issues, and the other kids need to be kept safe. If he is kicking other children in the face there is a real risk of injury

I'm sure there is a reason. I bet her contract requires administrative review and a hearing.

Wait, what about all that Zero Tolerance nonsense? This is the perfect time to actually enforce it for its intended purpose.

I do want to point out that its actually hard to get a restraining order. The father MUST have had some solid evidence that this was in fact happening to get that order in the first place.. Also, The kid is 5.. This is learned behavior.. He learned those words and the meaning of them somewhere.. My first guess is at

I would only agree with the "suck it up" part if the guy in question was creeped out by the exact same things he did to women. If he's normally respectful and polite and gets skeeved out by having his butt grabbed, he has my sympathy. But if he's a butt-grabber himself...

Example: I'm 22. I don't like it when people who are past their mid-thirties hit on me.

I agree... And I totally get where people are coming from because I feel the same way about my own sport. You would not believe - from a trained rider's perspective how unbelievably awful 99% of the horse riding you see on tv and in the movies is. It's sooooo difficult for me to watch a lot of the time. And it is

I don't really get the big deal tbh. If there was actually a fake vagina inspection planned then yeah that would be creepy, but I seriously doubt that was ever part of the plan.

It's Armchair Quarterback syndrome amplified.

Yeah, this is not really necessary. But if your passion is ballet, and you think that it should have more exposure in the media and everyday life, and then when something does come along that on the surface seems to be celebrating ballet but is actually butchering it, then yeah, I can see being upset about it and

Trolling? How is having a very necessary discussion about a serious problem trolling?

How is suggesting that the way higher education handles rape is a crisis trolling? It sounds like they're addressing not just the issue that it exists, but the way it's handled?