
I wouldn't mind being name-famous but I'd never want to be face-famous. I think there's a pretty big difference between what recognizable 'performers' (actresses, singers, models) face and what people face who are, say, a well-known business leader. They may get recognized by some people but they don't get followed by

"We tend to be desensitized to the idea that paparazzi constantly and invasively photograph celebrities..."

Who would ever want to be famous? I'm happy living in fear of 1 bajillion things. I don't need paparazzi added to the list

I prefer nations (hello, Sweden) where servers are all well paid and your tax is already included in the food price. That price might shock you, but it will be the TOTAL price. Much more honest in the long run.

Well, little girl or freshman at Arizona State.

Melissa Gira Grant and Laura Agustin are the two people I'd really recommend who write things that become articles online and not just things that become peer-reviewed articles hidden away behind paywalls. I follow them both on Twitter, and learn their points while I'm waiting in line at the grocery store...

The idea that women can't consent to sex work because patriarchy, and actually most of the focus on trafficking, is promoted by Catharine MacKinnon, whom is not really known for her attempts to be LGBTQ inclusive. She tends to take "but what about the queers" as a misogynistic ploy designed to foil feminism...

This is horrifying! I was raided on literally my second day working as an escort. Fortunately, where I live, prostitution is legal, but they can still catch you and your clients on other charges. It's incredibly frightening having four strange men push their way into your space, especially when you aren't wearing

real crime is harder to prevent/solve. better to get the low hanging fruit instead

When are we going to stop harassing the self employed and protect them and move on top real crime?

HOW CAN ANYONE NOT LOVE ELLEN. And yes that needs to be in caps to express my feelings. Even as a straight person that lady is utterly loveable. New bucket list item have dinner with Ellen...

Clearly you've never met graduate students.

I want to date Ellen Page. I'll settle for friends, though.

Thank you for your very well-put post. I hope you have a lovely week! :)

That's so awful; I would not be able to stand that! In HS though when I still wore T-shirts during track because everyone else did I used to roll the sleeves up and secure them with hair ties, but I was never able to do anything about the necks. But gah, I can almost feel an invisible crewneck T-shirt against my neck

Totally off the point, but I have that weird aversion to high neck tops as well! I feel like I'm being strangled. Which is strange, because I can happily wear choker-style necklaces... Luckily (when i actually have a membership to a gym), I go to one which has no dress code apart from 'no nakedness please'.

I was thinking that, too, especially with that second guy. I bet he was just awful to her, and I hope she left his ass.

He must have a really fragile ego if he thinks a woman should love his dumbass more than her own fucking kids. Perhaps he's projecting?

Every person who has had the burden of being overweight knows that it's usually unhealthy- You don't need to remind the author. What you need to think about is the odd tie of obesity to sin and the bodies of those with disordered eating that requires starvation and denial to some kind of saintly asceticism.