
I don't understand. What is ok to post on social media? Taking pictures of your food has been deemed obnoxious. Selfies have been deemed obnoxious. 'Shelfies' are also apparently obnoxious. Baby and wedding photos are apparently a plague. Only beautiful landscapes are allowed on instagram?

"But life happens in the realm of the mundane, so it's probably not particularly good for any of us to spend our days scrolling through artifice. It does set us up nicely for those advertisements that pop up in our streams, though!"

I don't know why people go so far out of their way to do the opposite of anthropomorphizing when it comes to dogs. As if they're nothing but 40lb furry amoebae. Or robots with very simple programming.

I recently saw a tweet that really stuck with me in regards to all the "that's not fair; not all men do that" attitude. The woman said something like, "not all men menace women, but all women have been menaced by a man at some point in their lives." I intend to repeat this sentiment in the future. Because yeah, not

Except the image that you posted above isn't the photo that was banned. This is the photo that was banned. (I mean, not that I'm offended by that either, but, you know.)

Thank you for saying this. "It's okay if someone hurts you, because someday you'll get to hurt other people too," is a really fucked up message to give anyone, let alone kids. You're absolutely right that it's not just about bullying. This attitude perpetuates abuse in general. Both my parents were violently abused as

1 in 3 women in the US have been victims of a form of Intimate Partner Violence. Yay that most of them aren't murdered, this is an extreme example, but it doesn't change the fact that it is an ongoing problem, especially since our society tends to not take seriously forms of intimate partner violence that aren't

As a Christian (although that in no way makes me an expert on anything), I want to state that I feel it is actually very important that the headline and article mentions the school being a Christian school. No, it isn't an unfair attempt to single out Christians as all being hypocritical but it is pointing out this

I hope what another commenter said is true, and this unit is actually treated well, but even with the best aftercare possible, war breaks people. Some so badly they can't be fixed.

When I'm in the stall, I don't really care who is in the stall next to me. In fact, I don't usually consider the person next to me. If I did, I don't think their gender, sex, or sexual orientation would matter. Because when it comes down to it, I'm there to pee/poo and gtfo.

I definitely don't want to place the responsibility on the shelter workers. They're overworked, I'm sure, and most likely under-trained. I just wanted to point out that, yeah, there were indicators of abuse worthy of reporting. Whether the workers were aware of those injuries is a different matter entirely. One would

I am sad for society because we have to find outrage in everything.

Actually, I'm not even sure that it makes sense to be angry at the baggage handler just because he/she isn't a native English speaker. The person is a BAGGAGE HANDLER, who has to constantly lug around giant bags and keep track of everyone's shit. It's likely that the handler might have only had a minute or two to

A single violent incident doesn't establish someone as a batterer. Battery is part of a larger pattern of domestic terrorism. It's not just someone losing their temper.

For legal purposes we REALLY need to put rape into different categories. Juries across the country think that rape is rape ONLY when a women is beaten up. We lose when people don't have a SOLID definition that is not vague.

Rape via drugging
Rape via unconscious\intoxication
Rape visa additional violent assault
Rape via

My gas company only cares when you don't pay the bill. No one's going to notice a non-change in usage. When I worked in billing, I would only notice the doozies—the one-month spikes—and think either something was wrong, or someone's going to freak when they see this bill. But the regular, even dollar amounts and

Hope some Massachusetts Catholic private school girls refuse to wear their skirted uniforms on the grounds of immodesty based on this. Good for the lulz while I'm drinking the pain away.

I also find this fascinating. I would be very interested to see any research on "satanic" outbreaks in evangelical and other hardline Christian circles. I would also be curious as to whether you could find the same thing in the hardline denominations of the other Abrahamic religions. Even if it is just a bunch of

Got links? Everything I've ever read has convinced me it's almost always a hoax or, at worst, a few mentally ill people who have decided to call themselves a cult. I'd be interested in seeing serious research that reached the opposite conclusion.

Scary stuff and thanks for sharing. Think a lot of religious people use Satan as an excuse for the evil they willingly commit. Probably more of a pedophilia ring versus Satanic abuse. Many 'victims' confessed to satanic crimes in the 80s/90s to only recant or testify it was the result of false memory implementation.