
I could also handle a standardized service fee tacked on to the meal instead of tipping. Pay them (at least) minimum wage, and then spread out the service fee evenly between all employees at the restaurant. That way everyone works as a team to get more business, so everyone gets more money on top of their base wage.

this. lots of topics are sensitive for some people but you're at a university among adults and no one should have to censor themselves or their assignments because it might be a difficult subject for some people.

I completely agree. Here's the deal. There are a hell of a lot of computer science professionals who have absolutely no social skills whatsoever. Often that's the reason they're in computer science to being with. They often see the world as code, and numbers. I do a lot of coding myself, and I get into social

Servers in Oregon get minimum wage (I think it's up to 10.10 here) and tips. And I swear there's more bars and restaurants in Portland than there are adults, so paying a better wage obviously isn't ruining the industry.

True, I agree. I would also like to point out that I think that by complaining about their lives within earshot of customers, these servers were in fact giving bad service. What if there was a 4th server who also feels like she is in financial dire straits, but feels like maintaining chipper countenance is the right

Exactly: you can tip generously while ALSO understanding how onerous of a practice it has become. Thank you!

I think part of the difference is that Miley presents sexuality in a way that isn't very "male gaze-y" whereas Beyonce definitely does. Not criticizing either women, but they handle their own sexualities very differently.

exactly. The rule of comedy is "punch upward" (in other words, hit the one doing the hitting, not the one being hit)

Plenty of adults have no idea what they are doing, with no mental handicaps at all.

Does anyone know what his actual advice is? Is it just the usual PUA shit (negs, etc)?