
This threw me off the other direction in one European country. I kept thinking their food was so expensive because I'd have to pay tax on top of it. And I also figured out that their alcohol was expensive simply because of a high tax. Once I understood it though, it was really nice. And it was nice not worrying about

I think the media needs to drop the woody Allen thing. It's not helping anyone; in fact it's just creating doubt about survivors' stories in general. Did he do it? I have no idea. Is he creepy? Yes from everything I've heard. That's probably all anyone will ever know and it's only causing damage to everyone involved

This is mostly just a ramble and whining about my own frustrations, but it's relevant I suppose. And maybe others can relate. I must deal with things differently. I can't imagine many crises that I'd want compassionate leave for. But maybe that's because I've had so many crises and being able to get to school/work was

ah thanks for the information! I admit I don't know much about the academic side of feminism, more just what I read online. So it's helpful to hear where various ideas (whether I agree with them or not) come from.

It doesn't make sense to me that people can't consent to sex work because patriarchy. That ignores LGBTQ people that may be involved in same gender/sex sex work, etc. I agree that there is economic coercion, but I agree that's better handled by a safety net. The arguments against consensual sex work have always

My first response was ew... Sorry James Franco but the whole world doesn't want to see you essentially naked! Go make some porn or something and sell it to people who want to see it. I don't happen to be one of them lol ... In all seriousness though, is this string of stunts for publicity or is he having some sort of

gah these happened a few times my senior year at my small private school. One girl got asked by a senior guy she barely knew in front of the whole class, with the teacher letting him put up a slide! He was a bit awkward and didn't have a lot of social skills, so it was even worse for her to say no, and it could've

I personally think sex work should be legal but heavily regulated. So I don't see those soliciting sex as any different than those selling it. Now if there's a pimp abusing/trafficking someone, they absolutely should be arrested and put in jail for a long time. But I don't see how those seeking consensual sex for

I really think the whole war on prostitution law enforcement insists on having is an affront to victims of violence. They COULD be out there arresting abusers, rapists, murderers, pedophiles, and so on, but instead they use their time and money and jail space to legislate what two consenting adults do. If there's any

I don't think being rich and attractive will make you happy if you can't be who you are. I think that's what explains why so many don't end up handling fame well. Everyone thinks they have everything but they often can't be themselves because of the intense scrutiny. I'll pass up their money and fame and

Not surprised Arizona is up there. I'd imagine the only people keeping it from being even higher is that some people do like the horrible discrimination there. And flagstaff people probably. Flagstaff is amazing and so not like the rest of the state.

so many people from Minnesota stay or return in my experience. I'm guessing it's that the culture is pretty good and there's a lot of variety between the twin cities and the less populated areas. And the summers are amazing.

I'm confused, if they are only against printing material relating to homosexuality, why were they told about the sign just for holding hands? Isn't that discriminating against them in general rather than picking services they provide? I agree they have a legal right to not print what they want, as shitty as that is,

I would eat it, but if I'm going to Panda Express, I'm eating orange chicken. That stuff is like crack for me. If I have an opportunity to eat it, I will. Why would I waste such an opportunity on kale?! Now if the kale was in the orange chicken it might be a different story. With bacon. That actually sounds amazing.

I obviously know nothing about Howard Stern lol. But yeah, why do it in the first place? Maybe it helps his career but it still seems like he could say something a little less detailed and just save himself all the criticism. Like just say "no we didn't have sex". And leave it at that.

why would he even comment on that? It's not like he has to convince anyone since no one believes a word Lindsay Lohan says anymore. I'm guessing he meant she liked him because she was young and stupid and he came across as "nice" and so he just did it because he could, but those sentences weren't even coherent so

can't lie... I'd eat it.

I meant inflammatory in the biological marker sense.

glad to hear I'm not the only one! I just thought I was weird. I'm not a huge fan of choker necklaces but they definitely don't give me the same anxiety as tshirt necks. I think it's the fact that they change position constantly and so I don't desensitize to them like I would a necklace. It's really frustrating!

I wonder how hard it'd be to track this asshole down? I'm guessing he's a bored teenager and probably hasn't been as careful with his usernames and personal details as you think. All it takes is one connection to his fb or one mention to belonging to a small identifiable group in one geographical area and he's the one