
That's a really good idea. Button down would make it so I could control it much better. I don't even care how it looks at this point; it's been so frustrating since I use it multiple times a week to train for a tri. I'm willing to do anything to be comfortable!

They're actually a really large university with a huge rec center. So you'd think they could hire people to clean it every day. But at least that makes a little bit of sense. And I totally get no sports bras and all; I didn't even know some places allowed that. It's really just the no tank tops or modified tshirts I

Doing this with a baby (and a stranger at that) is going too far. But 10 year old me would've pranked the shit out of my sister and her friends with something like this. I might have done something similar with a cheap intercom system we played with and a rubber band one time... Because I was a very mature 10 year

I think these type of pastors just make shit up as they go along. I suppose you can only rant about all the scary sins and hell supposedly not in the church anyway before people get bored. It's like they got people to get married (Hererosexual of course!), not drink, go to church twice a week, have kids that they

thank you! That looks like a good solution!

I feel so horrible for all the partners mentioned in here and that they're with such abusive assholes. If he's like that in public I can only imagine how bad he is in private.

The gym I go to, which is through a state university, has a dress code. Not only no bare midriffs, but no tank tops! It has to be tshirt type sleeves and they will give you a tshirt you have to put over it. Now most people probably think this is no big deal, but I find t shirts very uncomfortable when I am exercising.

There actually are links between childhood abuse and inflammatory disorders like those described. It's probably a chronic stress related response, and probably has ties to developmental biological factors, but it's a link and not always the cause. And even if it is the cause, this does not affect the fact that

seriously. I think people complaining just don't like Instagram. And that's ok! But instead of complaining they should just not have an Instagram. Or have one but only follow the people that fit into their expectations of what everyone else should do. Complaints like this are just a display of petty self righteousness

Why do people have Instagram if they don't want to see random pictures? That's what it's for! Updating people about your daily life and your interests via visual media. I understand it's annoying on fb because fb has so many other things that food pictures and endless selfies do clutter up news feeds (although you

I completely agree! It becomes more of a semantic issue of how you define guilt than anything else. That chart makes me laugh thinking of how I'm pretty sure cats feel contempt! But yes, dogs are far smarter than people give them credit for. Even rats are extremely smart and hence are used to study human behavior.

I do understand that, but my problem is that they do not care about evidence. No matter what evidence you give them, it's immediately blown off as "because this feels right". Which isn't ok when you're talking about children's lives. The evidence is out there for people to investigate, regardless of whether they trust

The thing that really drives me crazy is that a lot of these people are not even desperate parents of kids with severe autism. At least I can understand that logic might go out the window if you're in early stages of accepting such a diagnosis. But of all the people I know who buy this b.s., none of them have autistic

The sad thing is, this will only strengthen their conspiracy laden ideas. See! The government is hiding something! They're stopping our miracle cures! We're so oppressed! I'm really glad the FDA is doing something, since it spreads propaganda and gets more anti-vax thinking out there, and also since these "treatments"

I posted this as a reply to someone but think it's relevant in general. I'm not sure why people seem to feel the need to be nasty to each other in some of the comments over a silly dog video.

I agree. Yes, it's true dogs don't feel guilt. They can predict your reaction based on your past behavior and do things to avoid a bad reaction like hiding what they know will invoke a bad reaction. But it's not guilt so much as a prediction and then finding a way to avoid the negative reaction they predict, which

I completely agree shoplifting is wrong and many are just entitled brats. I myself have never stolen anything and never will. But I did know someone growing up who shoplifted, and it was not because they were spoiled or entitled. It was really about gaining control because they were growing up in an abusive

I think that's why they say the undercover cops talked to her first. They didn't arrest her based on the ad alone. If you directly solicit an undercover cop for anything illegal, you'll be arrested regardless if you claim you actually planned to do it.

But I imagine if someone began saying homophobic things to you/yelling gay slurs, you'd be afraid, right? I'm a gay woman (who came out later in life), and I'd certainly be afraid if I came across/knew a person who was saying homophobic things or preaching from a bullhorn that being gay is an abomination. They may not

Just because women don't get killed every time they reject a guy, they DO get threatened in many cases. Most women have stories of boundary crossing behavior and many have experienced outright threats or violence. Usually multiple times. And when you're being threatened, you have no idea how far the person will go.