
yep. Multiple times. In relationships (two separate ones) and with "friends/aquantainces" that wouldn't respect boundaries. And now men wonder why I immediately tell them I don't date men anymore (came out as gay recently) the second they mention my looks or hint at dating. I don't care if you really were insinuating

Haven't watched the video but from your description, it sounds like the people I know who have been bullied (or perceive themselves to be so) but are simultaneously told by their parents/society that they are so special and different and that they are always in the right. You know what that leads to? Them becoming an

Exactly. It could be light hearted and just presented as opinions on fashion. But what I saw was very mean and highschool-ish. You can comment on your opinions on clothes without attacking somebody for what they apparently felt comfortable wearing.

It was more the way it was done. Like another commenter said, it was mean spirited and attacked the person rather than the clothing. I personally wouldn't like to be meanly criticized for something I chose to wear that I felt good in, so I can't be ok with someone else doing that. If it had been done more tactfully,

I admit I don't know much about her other than her fashion police show. But I have little respect for anyone who has a show criticizing and shaming people for what they wear. Aren't we over high school? I saw about 10min of it and wanted those 10min back. I do have to appreciate her not giving a fake apology though.

This made me wonder... What would happen if both the democrat and republican candidates were women? Not that I am aware of any female republicans I'd ever want in office, but that's true for the republican men I know of. But it would be interesting to see how that would play out.

Sadly I don't see the anti vaccination or pseudo science dieting or extreme "natural" movement going away soon. I'm noticing many of the ultra conservative evangelical Christian people I grew up with adopting it now. It's like the religious conservative bs and hating (but pretending to "love") anyone not like them

It's no different to me than a club for all men, all women, a certain ethnic group, etc. discrimination is when you are saying "I don't want x group of people here just because" not "this is a specific space for a specific group that we are making are our product for". For example, at school we have a group for queer

this is so ridiculous. Even if she did have an eating disorder, she has a right to an education like anyone else. Could you imagine kicking someone out because they were slightly overweight? Or because they looked like they had x physical disorder that was not actually causing symptoms? It'd completely outrage

Yeah I thought the discussion about it was good, but I wasn't even aware that people were calling for his resignation. I'm kind of torn on what to think about it. On one hand, I think people are entitled to their beliefs being separate from their job, no matter how shitty those beliefs are, so long as they don't bring

I agree. Plus, I think it might be problematic to focus too much on her, because it could retraumatize her. Her name was leaked, and so undoubtedly some people around her know who she is. Having a movie focus on her might make that more difficult for her than it already is. Not that a movie about the hacker doesn't

I'm glad to hear there are places that do give good services. And of course I have no idea what happened in this case. In general it just frustrates me when I see the government not caring about how war can literally destroy a person's brain and not bothering to spend any money trying to help them recover. But I'm

This is all so sad. Even more so if it turns out to be from PTSD or a TBI, which is happening far too often with soldiers. When are we actually going to take care of veterans? And when are we going to actually consider the effect on a solider as a reason to reconsider whether a war is really worth it? I obviously

Sadly I figured that out pretty quick too because of all the stereotypes. It's amazing the racism we tolerate. Do we really think this would've happened had she been a young white woman that had a clean cut appearance? It amazes me how people can't see these attitudes.

I've never understood road rage type things. Yes, I've gotten irritable in traffic or the drive thru or whatever. But you know what I do? I curse in my car where no one can hear me. I vent the frustration we all have at times in a safe way like an adult, and then I realize thirty seconds later there are far more

I don't see anything wrong with this. As long as she really did leak it by her own choice, she's an adult who can make her own choices. If we support sex workers and their right to make consensual choices, why can't Miley Cyrus show her boob, which is just a body part anyway? I have no idea how it'll affect her

Did anyone ever actually believe it anyway? It always sounded to me like she was desperate for attention, deeply disturbed, and had nothing to lose after being caught for the murder she actually is charged with. Maybe I've known too many people who lie about fantastical things like this, but I could tell from the

I've used OKC in the past and I'm so glad they let you not be seen by straight people if you're listed as gay. It's still not perfect as they don't give people that are bi that option and I could still be seen by bi guys. But at least you can tweak your settings to only be seen mostly by women if you want. So I never

I don't get the segregation of genders in general. I really wouldn't care if men shared bathrooms with me. As long as there were stalls like there are in all women's bathrooms, and sexual harassment was actually punished quickly and efficiently (I'm thinking about the types that catcall me), I really wouldn't care.

This is a problem in almost every motorcycle publication ever. Especially the sports bike ones. I ride a sports bike. I am female. Yes I'm a minority, but I imagine that's partially because the only pictures of women on sports bikes are half naked in heels and nowhere close to looking like they ride it. I happen to