
That actually is really a nice compliment because I'm very insecure about my ability to help people. So thank you :)

That does seem like a red flag. I'm still hesitant to say they are at fault, just because shelter workers are so overworked and I know it's easy to say what should've been done. But I can definitely imagine this may not be the whole story, and if they did notice something like that, I agree they absolutely should've

That's very true. People don't really understand what it's like to work in those environments unless they've done it themselves. I know I've said things that came across as rude or offensive, completely unintentionally, just because I was rushed or even just when I'm anxious. We really should be looking at the

Unless there's something the shelter is hiding, how can they report "the children behaved too well"? I mean yeah, that could be abuse. Or it could just be strict parenting or even just luckily calm kids. I know I was extremely well behaved with strangers at that age. And my parents were strict, but in no way abusive.

This makes me sad for the baggage handler. The person was not a native English speaker so most likely was completely unaware it was offensive. I can't imagine any native English speaking person using this term, so I don't think this outrage will in any way educate people on being more sensitive. All it did is probably

I'm not going to assume one way or the other on whether she's as bad off as she says or not, as I don't have the information to do so. And neither do the rest of the commenters. However, there are a couple things. One, there's no excuse to put your children in that kind of danger. They weren't even old enough to know

It came off as more frustrated to me, but that may be due to my own experiences. It's hard to read into her attitude just from text, but I took it more of as a badly worded expression of being frustrated she didn't make friends easily with other women.

Yeah I do agree there are things you can generally talk about. I do it myself to try and be friends with women of all types. But I know when I was younger, I had a ton of trouble conversing with women. I really tried, but I had nothing in common and did not understand the point of small talk at the time. I could be

I definitely knew a guy in high school who mostly hung out with girls. He was gay (not out) at a religious school and had nothing in common with the guys. So all his friends were girls, and it made perfect sense why.

I don't see why some of the comments are jumping all over LW1. She is not saying all women are into those specific interests or that she doesn't want to be around women. But the majority of the ones she's coming across with are into interests she is not, and it's causing a problem for her. It IS boring when the people

Do people actually buy these anymore when they can read them online? Also, every time I get my hair done, I try to read them because I get so bored sitting still. But I always end up just sitting there doing nothing because the writing is so terrible that I can't stand reading them. I just want to edit the damn

30s are the weather to break out the hoodie and sneakers for me. After subzero, it feels balmy! Occasionally I will dress a little too light for the weather though. I call it protesting lol

I admit I didn't read the entire article as I have to get somewhere soon. But for everyone declaring it bs, how is this any different than guided meditation, which is consistently used in therapy and behavioral health hospitals, all because it makes someone feel better? And I actually know people doing research on the

Sounds just like my ex. And everyone thought I was crazy to be scared of him just because he never actually hit me. People like this make me so angry. Entitled assholes who think the second a partner doesn't give them everything they want they have a right to hurt them in any way possible until they get it. And

Sadly this is normal for all the private Christian schools I went to or knew of. There was one girl in my class in grade school who was consistently pressured to dress more feminine, and her choice to dress more masculine was blamed as trauma from her mother being killed a few years before. It was ridiculous.

Yeah everything I know about Hawaii is not good. I knew someone very well (I'd rather not elaborate beyond that) that grew up there. He had to have it explained to him multiple times shortly after moving here that you can't date underage girls in your early twenties. Apparently no one even batted an eye at that there,

Yeah I agree it's a little hard to tell if the LW is making excuses or is genuinely uncomfortable. But I'm leaning toward the latter. I have a feeling the LW knows Marina will (or has) use her transition as ammunition when confronted, even though that's not the issue, and the LW is worried about it coming across that

Besides the whole stooping to his level thing, picketing his funeral will not hurt him. He will be dead. Who will it hurt? His family. But not his family that are still a part of the church. Those family want us to picket because it'll give them attention and ammunition for the church. It will only hurt his family

This. Murder is murder but there are different kinds for legal purposes. I completely agree we need to have a similar thing for rape. People would probably feel more comfortable prosecuting if it was more strictly defined what happened to them specifically.

I don't think it's true of even close to everybody in the police force, but I imagine there's higher rates because of who it attracts like people have said. I also have known several men who went in the military for that reason, although I know not even close to everyone in the military is like that. I think there are