
I do agree, although I think the problem here is the fact they don't even look interested in each other. But I do find the lack of taking feminine gay women seriously very weird, as really a lot of gay women are attracted to more feminine women, myself included. I think it's just a case of people feeling insecure

This is why I worry about exercise. Besides enjoying exercise, I know I need it. I hate how people assume being stick thin (which I am if I don't work out) is desirable above all else. I've been treated like I have an eating disorder because I say I should work out more/am out of shape/should eat healthier. And I

I'm always amazed by how cis, heterosexual people don't realize how much everything is centered around being heterosexual specifically and sexuality in general. Sexuality comes up in almost everything, and it's almost always cis, heterosexual centered. Mainstream romantic movies, sitcoms, jokes, anything gendered,

Exactly... I mean why would a company even care if it's weird so long as they're getting paid? They spend so much time finding people who aren't paying, so I can't see them even noticing let alone taking time to find someone who stops using it.

This. I actually feel it's harder to disappear now if you have social media. When I was a mid to older teen, I really liked isolating myself and the idea of being able to disappear without being noticed. And I would often isolate, just going to school, talking to family as I had to, and really not talking to any

I'm also thinking about "revenge porn". Which is a slightly different thing since it's in private and usually voluntarily taken, but I still think non-consensual release should somehow be made illegal. There's also issues that some people should not be photographed for safety if they have a protection order against

I've not even heard of that trend. That would bother me as well. I thought you couldn't be recorded without your consent unless it was relevant to a crime? But perhaps that doesn't apply in public. Yes it does seem like it doesn't bother everyone, but to me, that shouldn't matter. Everyone has different levels of

My argument is that there's not enough. I'm not sure how we should regulate it, but I do feel there's not enough restrictions currently. Like in the upskirt cases. That shouldn't be legal, but the wording of the law is the problem. There's got to be a legal way to do it, but we as a society haven't done a very good

I agree. It doesn't make me personally uncomfortable at an event, but if it makes you uncomfortable, you should have a right to not have your image used. You shouldn't have to stay inside forever or constantly be potentially giving up your image to just live a normal life. I just wish we could come up with a way to

Why can't there be more privacy restrictions and ownership rules when it comes to your own image? Your image is an extension of your body, and you should own and control both to a reasonable extent. Obviously we can't require everyone to own every image taken of them, as that'd cause problems with media free speech,

I guess I can't understand that thinking. I know I'll probably never get arrested but that's beside the point for me. Getting arrested happens for false or mundane reasons all the time. I understand being searched; I'll also grant them the bodily marks thing even though I don't see the necessity. But to have

What happens if they are in a sensitive area? I am just a little shocked no one has a problem with this. Like with mine, I'd have to be photographed in my underwear because it covers my entire thigh. Self harm scars would also be visible if not carefully photographed. Not sure why being arrested should give the public

And it's legal to release them even if they normally wouldn't be visible with clothing? I personally find that really scary and a huge invasion of privacy.

Is anyone else highly uncomfortable with this? I don't understand why the police releasing these pictures is ok. I dislike Justin Bieber as much as the next person, but if a woman was forced to show various body parts to the police to document tattoos, I would not feel ok about it. Especially having those photos being

Eh it's not only women. This is a pet peeve of mine because I've had this done to me so much. I'm female, and I have had women do this to me too, but my ex husband also did this. But he was also abusive in a lot of other ways, so it was a different situation. He would get angry at me and refuse to tell me why. Usually

I have no trouble wrapping my head around it happening. I know too well how fucked up people are. But I've never seen any solid evidence for it. And I know first hand how it's used as a scare tactic by evangelicals. So I'm looking for actual evidence one way or the other. Do you have links, names of books, etc?

That would be really interesting. I've had the same problem where everything on google is questionable at best. I definitely knew disaffected teens that turned to some self invented brand of satanism to rebel at least for a while. And I've come across an alarming number of people who claim to have been affected by SRA

Yeah my feeling is that SRA probably does exist more than some people think, but probably more like what you're saying, where it's religious people using Satan as an excuse/medium to commit terrible pedophilic acts. Unfortunately it's hard to separate what really happens from the scare rhetoric the religious people

Unfortunately that's pretty common for Pentecostal/Evangelical/Fundamentalist churches. I grew up in them and didn't "believe" in evolution until I went to college and realized it made way more sense. The earth was created in 7 days. Demons caused most mental illness. We are in a war against the devil. I could go

Everyone who's saying SRA is real to a systematic level beyond a few pedophiles who are very mentally ill... I really would like it if I could see some evidence. This is something I've heavily researched but have never come across anything that ever seemed legitimate. Yet it's something I'm fascinated and almost