
So I understand people need to bring their kids to work sometimes in absolute emergencies. I've known people who have done it, and I tried to be as understanding as possible. BUT...

Who does this?! If I know someone has lost someone, I never bring it up unless they do. They know how much they can handle thinking/talking about it. Me mentioning it takes away the little control they have over how much they do or don't discuss/think about it. I really don't get why anyone would do this, to you or

I have to agree. While the rules sound terrible, that's pretty standard of any sex symbol type job. Exotic dancers and models deal with the same stuff. And since they're selling appearance, there's really nothing you can do about it. The only thing I do take some issue with is how they determine target weight. I don't

I've never understood unfriending someone over something they posted you don't like. It's not that hard to hide people from your newsfeed if you're triggered, offended, or whatever. Anyway, I imagine though that she probably had a lot of "friends" on her fb that were really very loose acquaintances if not near

I think they have changed public attitudes more than anything. And probably do get people to pay attention to lumps and whatnot compared to 30 years ago. But I have wondered that before, especially when it becomes so abstract as a pink bra, etc. And I also wonder how much extra anxiety it can cause, which itself is

So terrible. Although it should be realized that many women are still in this situation, especially underage women. I know for a while abortions were not legal without parental consent in some states, and that may still be the case. Even if it's not, I can say that having grown up evangelical Christian, we certainly

This is hilarious. Why would you embarrass yourself like this? Seriously? And why didn't he drop the class if he hated it so much? You get to drop for the first week usually with no penalty. I wonder if he would've been ok with someone not wanting to be in a class with all guys. Or with all people of his race. I'm

They are obviously different. The issue to me is both can be insanely triggering. Bullying is not to me, because I haven't experienced it. Sexual assault is very triggering for me, but I would never presume my triggers to be worse than those of a seriously bullied person. That's why I will not say either is worse.

They are obviously different. The issue to me is both can be insanely triggering. Bullying is not to me, because I haven't experienced it. Sexual assault is very triggering for me, but I would never presume my triggers to be worse than those of a seriously bullied person. That's why I will not say either is worse.

Except that rape is an issue profoundly lacking in awareness. I don't see why it's a bad thing to increase awareness of it when dealing with social justice issues already. Why is bullying any different than rape? Both are horrible, need more awareness, and can be triggering. I agree it could've been done with more

Yeah I felt it was really taken out of context by people who have no idea how programming works or why this question could be an important learning exercise about programming uses for social justice issues. I agree it could've been presented with more warning and made a choice within a couple assignments rather than

Isn't that illegal?! I'm imagining it's not worth the trouble to you, but I'd think you could sue over that. I've only ever been to a hobby lobby once and that was before I had any idea they were religious. Does this happen at other hobby lobby's? I feel like people could just do things they know would get them kicked

That's sad that I hear $10.10 and think that's a crazy high minimum wage. It should be at least that much everywhere. I think I got $7.20 when I was in a coffee shop. But yeah, I agree that it's really just restaurants knowing they can get by with it. What it's essentially doing is making it so restaurants make the

I was thinking the same thing. It's very unprofessional to discuss your personal life in front of customers. I know I always avoided that when I worked in food/retail. And I agree, a complaint to a manager is a far better incentive than the randomness of tipping. Of course you'll have managers that are terrible and

I always tip 20% or more, but I really think we as a society need to abolish tipping and make restaurants actually pay their servers a living wage. (Minimum wage also needs to go up but that's another issue.) Increase the price of the food if necessary; it would not bother me. It's just not a fair or helpful system.

Seriously. I think I get more surprised looks and comments from that age group for wearing a leather jacket and riding a motorcycle than anything else simply because it reminds them of when they were growing up, yet I'm a female in my 20s. The shock and rebel stuff was used up a long time ago and it'd be better if we

Addiction is far from curable. It's about as curable as depression, maybe less. It's a mental illness, and the drug use is the high risk side effect from the illness, not the cause. There's a reason addiction research is a huge field, because no one knows how to fix it. And there are far less treatment options for

When are we going to realize addiction is a disease? It's no different if he'd died from suicide after years of schizophrenia or from complications of some physical disease. Addiction is highly heritable, doesn't strike even close to everyone who uses drugs, and can hit anyone, regardless of personality, income, etc.

How is it different than drinking to feel buzzed or drunk? Alcohol is a far harder drug than pot, but I never hear people argue that alcohol will lead to heroin use or whatever. It's human nature to find things that makes us feel good, whether that's pot, alcohol, sex, or a runners high. The issue is if that high is

That's a good point. My feeling of that was based on the question being so socially abstract. But I agree that the logic is pretty simple, even though I don't know this language particularly. If it was a lower division class, he does need to be more careful. What's normal when you're nearly a graduate student is